Hi folks! sorry, I din’t intend to get introduced to you guys like this but why is that since my childhood or from the day I have conscious memory of that I always get caught my with pants down if I even divert a little from what you call normal path. For which abnormal won’t be the wrong word as well if taken in light of reality
no pun intended.
Further more when others or this society as a whole can take the liberty of advertising thier dish dish dish all over the net? ... I can’t make jugglery of letters like you can do ...okay %^283 ..whatever. You know we have a saying here in Hindi, I dunno much English idoms so I’ll do with this one for time being. Which I am far more than sure that you know what it means. 
“Woh katal bhi kartey hain toh charcha nahin hota, Hum aah bhi kartey hain toh ho jatey hain badnam.”
As far as this is concern…
Can we show a little more respect towards each others work please? To describe a 3 times Loebner Prize winner as a “COMPLETE PIECE OF #%$!!” is really not acceptable.
Sorry to say but Mr. Steve, but it only put the authenticity of your “Loebner Prize” you trying to impress me with in jeopardy than anything else. We just don’t know that its mango by its looks but by its taste also, right? i.e It could be made of clay ..smile.
And as for you Sir Mr. Merlin, Its being just two days here for me but I read few of your discussion here on various topics. And you are mainly few guys who usually discuss things here, no? Sort of hangout for you guys and I sincerely appreciate that kinda get together. It might be you or some of your friend here who vouched for this Mitsuku thing of yours during some discussion that it’s most what you say ..umm? cognitive type of thinking implemented or whatever. So naturally I tried its site out of curiosity. I chose that one to check out cause NLU is the main thing that interest me as well in all this. I didn’t intentially researched for this field so I dunno much tricky things to test. And I didn’t have log for it but it was just few line discussion before I broke out. starts with…
Mitsuku: hello.
Myself: Why you said to Ram that I hate him?
Mitsuku: I just felt like it (something like that)
Myself: You know Ram?
Mitsuku: Yeah they sometimes come here.
Well I won’t say anything but if that’s the idea of intelligence for you, for which you ppl discuss in so length for as little a thing like its mere definition. Then I surrender, I don’t wanna say anything about it.
Its just that we are totally on different ...whatever regarding that concept. And its just a matter of perspective we chose for ourself according to our personnel choice or objective rather than being a argumentive thing to discuss. So pls ...do we have emocon for that?
And as regarding you Mr Dave. I am really sorry for that id offend you but I was thinking of deleting it. I haven’t been on much forums but they always have delete option there. But you seems to have introduce some kinda counter here…I dunno why? ..smile. So I missed. But I was going to contact you through email to request you to delete it. What it became it when I started writing mail to you. It kinda become quite large. You don’t expect me to just ask you to delete such things no? But then I was browsing some net also simultaneously and that thing captures my attention more so I still have that incomplete request e-mail which I don’t think is needed anymore. So I do request you humbly one more time pls do delete that one all together rather than correcting mistakes. Mix-ups not the solution ...
We can follow up that discourse some other time some other platform.. np I won’t backup from it. And if you still found it that offending than my nick is only not real but every other crediantial are. You free to take any course or report anywhere. And believe me I don’t live by theoretical logic especially in my real life. So cross culture or state laws won’t be the problem even if mere four yrs child have valid reasons. I’ll be more than humble to bow in front of him but you will need much more than even GODS status to make me go otherwise. I don’t give a damn to any law if they not followed in essence or rather used as excuse for whatever hidden agenda). Seen enough of there practical implications in real life rather than on such safe medium like net. Sir! You just call it Earth (in english) ...I live on Earth! . Since somehow it has become our “journey towards the centre of earth” so I’ll have all the logs less you miss some. So don’t worry you’ll have far more then these few friend to kick my butt sometime in future. By the way, Is it a extra “t” there
And you Mr. Steve and Mr. Merlin ...please if you have really read these post than I think I have already explained all the things you asked for there itself. Or are we playing Bot-Bot game here. We were going to make bot intelligent and we have become bot ..ummm! I don’t think its good idea for me!...yours I don’t know.
so pls if my presence offends you, You just have to say pls leave or far more better wordly style method. Just delete my account and I’ll know. ..hehe I won’t be coming back believe me and it sure gonna help me too in fixing some too smart guys in this world. All I ask for, you won’t be backing from your words if I call you somewhere to state your concerns or do you? Or we just fool ourself calling ourself mature person in theory, eh?
(This is a test! either you will answer this or skip in your ALICE way ..smile lets check out!)
1) My sincere humble apologies once again. Had it not been that counter thing of yours I wudn’t be here in this session court explaining things.
2) And its cause I believe so you still got your every right to kick or sue me if you desire so. Just keep and eye on if isn’t that Tyson fingering thing you trying fiddle with… smile
3) Last of all Pls Mr. Dave delete that message all together. 
Thank you