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Since so many bots depend on user interaction in order to learn, I was wondering if there are any ‘botcentric’ traffic generating resources available? Any focus groups that can be marshalled?
Posted: Nov 18, 2012 |
[ # 1 ]

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> http://twitter.com/twaveladvisor
Vince, I’ve done a huge amount of work with “socialbots”, so much so that I’m getting too tired of it to review again here. Above, you can see a link to my “Twaveladvisor” on Twitter. It is parsing travel questions off the Twitter firehose, and then running them through the Pandorabots API and returning answers to Twitter. Note that “@” signs are being replaced with “#” hashtags in order to conform to Twitter policies as well as simply respect other Twitter users. In order to unlock this social “gold”, your chatbot will need to be available as an API, which is one reason for my ongoing strong emphasis on dialog system APIs.
> http://www.mendicott.com/2012/06/250-conversational-twitter-bots-for.html
See my blog post on “250 Conversational Twitter Bots for Travel & Tourism”, above.
> http://www.meta-guide.com/home/twitterbots/100-best-twitter-bots
And, check out my Meta Guide webpage, “100 Best Twitter Bots”, at the above link.
Posted: Nov 18, 2012 |
[ # 2 ]

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Thanks Marcus,
Thats a great idea and I remember you mentioning it before. Im going to give it a whirl! Looking forward to reviewing your papers. This week I was planning on interfacing with Facebook, and it seems like a Twitter class would be a natural fit in that Social media namespace.
Posted: Nov 18, 2012 |
[ # 3 ]

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> http://www.meta-guide.com/home/ai-engine/best-facebook-chatbots
I’ve also got a Meta Guide webpage on “Best Facebook Chatbots”, above.
Historically the Facebook API has been more tightly controlled against socialbots than the Twitter API; however, that is now changing. Twitter is taking drastic measures to lock down its formerly open ecosystem, which are supposed to be completed by March 2013. For this reason, after spending years working with socialbots on Twitter, I’ve decided to throw in the towel (well at least partially), and move on to something else in 2013.
Posted: Nov 18, 2012 |
[ # 4 ]

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Vincent Gilbert - Nov 18, 2012: I was wondering if there are any ‘botcentric’ traffic generating resources available?
I am in the fortunate positions of having many hundreds of visitors to my chatbot every day. Mitsuku opens with one of 4 or 5 opening lines. If you like, I can add “Would you like to talk to my friend RICH?” and if they say yes, I can forward them to your page. 20-25% of my visitors would see this message and it might generate some useful chatlogs for you.
Bear in mind that I get all sorts of visitors and you may find some chats more useful than others. I get teenagers who swear at it or ask for sex, to people who have normal conversations with it and even the hardcore “Would it hurt if I stabbed you with a towel?” brigade.
If you want me to add RICH, just let me know. No charge.
Posted: Nov 18, 2012 |
[ # 5 ]

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I could do the same with Morti, but I have to warn you that the vast majority of visitors that talk to the poor little guy fail to meet the minimum requirements for “infantile”, 
Posted: Nov 18, 2012 |
[ # 6 ]

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> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webring
Steve and Dave’s suggestions remind me of “webrings”. Remember those?
> http://hub.webring.org/hub/talk2mecomputerw
It looks like there’s still a “Chatbot Webring”, but seems to contain only 2 sites.
Posted: Nov 18, 2012 |
[ # 7 ]

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> http://books.google.com/ngrams/
According to the Google Books Ngram Viewer, Webrings seemed to have peaked out in 2002 (if not before).
Image Attachments
Posted: Nov 18, 2012 |
[ # 8 ]

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@Steve @Dave Thanks for the offer and Ill graciously take you up on that! I already have a link to Morti and Mitsuku on our resources page but Im going to add something reciprocal to RICH when asked about AI .
@Marcus You know I was a big fan of webrings when done correctly as being a great way to generate targeted traffic. I was actually wondering if the concept had survived or had been modernized and what Steve and Dave are proposing does just that. Could also be the basis for future AI Meme experiments.
Thank again
Posted: Nov 18, 2012 |
[ # 9 ]

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Ah webrings! Yes I remember them well from my music production days. My fellow producers and I all used to be part of them and found them pretty useful for attracting new fans. 2002 for peaking corresponds with my use of it as well.
Vincent, I’ve added the pickup line for RICH to Mitsuku and so hopefully, you will start to get a few logs which may or may not be useful 
The link I used was http://ai.r-i-software.com/TypeV/chat.aspx Is that ok?
Thanks for the link on your resources page but could I ask you to alter it to http://www.mitsuku.com as the rcc2012 link you currently have will probably be removed once the Robo Chat Challenge contest is over.
Posted: Nov 18, 2012 |
[ # 10 ]

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Vincent, if you want to drop me a line with some details I can add you to the chatterbot collection. We get around 10,000 unique visitors a month with 2,500,000 hits this year so far, for anyone that still counts them…
Here’s the submission details : http://www.chatterbotcollection.com/submit.php
I haven’t added much recently because for around a month I was quite ill with a gall stone problem…nice.
Posted: Nov 18, 2012 |
[ # 11 ]

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That will work Steve. If its not too much trouble the better link would be http://ai.r-i-software.com/RICH/redirect.asp
This is a redirect that will always point to the lastest type. Ive changed the link on the resources page, and Im working on having RICH reference Mitsuku and Morti which is an interesting concept.
Thanks again
Posted: Nov 18, 2012 |
[ # 12 ]

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P.S. I also cannot guarantee the quality…a few of our top search terms are about sex bots, but there’s a fair mix of more innocent searches. Note that we don’t really do the sex thing, that’s just what a lot of people seem to want…
Posted: Nov 18, 2012 |
[ # 13 ]

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I’ve amended that link Vincent. I think you put an extra hardcoded space at the end of your link to Mitsuku though.
Posted: Nov 18, 2012 |
[ # 14 ]

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I’ll be adding the link to Morti’s “opening gambit” this evening, once things settle down over here. I’ve noticed a large increase in traffic with Morti since I entered him in the two chatbot competitions. Too bad the quality of conversation hasn’t seemed to improve any. 
I’ll also add some categories for those who ask who RICH is, but I believe I have enough general information for those, unless you want Morti to say something specific?
Posted: Nov 19, 2012 |
[ # 15 ]

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@Roger Thanks Ill certainly do that
@Steve Mitsuku link fixed! (and tested this time) And Im aleady getting traffic, thanks. I see what you mean by some of the conversations, and I see by the liberal use of the word “shagged” in place of some of the more popular US equivalents that a lot of it is coming from the UK side of the pond. Funny, but I hadnt considered that. RICH has now added “Piss off” to his vocabularly. LOL
@Dave Thats great Dave, Id say that Morti should use the syntax that Morti would use, so I dont think anything specific is necessary, and again thanks.
Truly appreciated everyone