Erwin, Actually, I thought the learning wasn’t really happening at all. I thought it would have deduced that the last object (yellow) went in bin 1, but no dice :( He said, “I think this goes in bin 1 or in bin 2 or in bin 3 or in bin 4 or in bin 5 or in bin 6”
Don’t you think NLP would be more effective.. “Simon, all yellow objects go in bin 1, except ones with rounded edges, which go in bin 4”. Then give Simon a yellow object with round edges, but with one jagged edge”, He puts into bin 4” You say, Simon, that was incorrect, he asks why, you say because it has jagged edges. Simon then asks “I see, so :
all yellow objects go in bin 1, except ones with rounded edges, which go in bin 4, but if it has jagged edges, then where does it go ?
It is not difficult to keep stats on how many times you are told that this color ball goes in this bin #, and predict the next, that’s not learning, not learning semantically anyway. It is an entirely different thing to comprehend a discussion made up of complex NL statements….statistics is NOT semantics.
You can perform a statistical analysis on color-to-bin# correlations, but statistical NLP, but these approaches won’t allow us to write software that learns via NLP.
SNAI -stands for:
LOL recursive acronym, Dave will love it ... it basically means I want to avoid the whole philsophical disucssions about AI, because its a joke, nobody really knows what intelligence or thinking is. Deep, protracted philosophical debates about machine intelligence are a waste of time and have produced nothing and hindered research, we need practical, focused empirical research. I am developing a PRACTICAL, USEFUL application that speaks and learns things via NLP…. and the debate about whether it is AI, or whatever else, is not my concern, it is irrelevant.. it is what the bot WILL DO, that counts.
I got the idea for SNAI from GNU . ... GNU stands for GNU Not Unix 
Andrew - yes, the block world was very limited, but not a bad start given the time period. That program was hard coded yes, and did not understand the semantics of the sentence.
The doctor program example given above will be an excellent demo for my engine… but I was also thinking of examples of ordinary conversations as well… “Hi how are you?”. . .etc. Those type of things are important also.
What I am asking is, give me some sample conversations, ‘dream conversations’ that you wish you could have with a computer program now, that you would consider it to be fully understanding and learning.