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NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
English, Web, News & gossip, Text recognition, Text synthesis, TV, Visual Entertainment, Creation & gaming, Avatar, Commercial | since Jan 2017 in
Oberon Interactive since May 2008 in English, Web, Text recognition, TV, Visual Entertainment, Creation & gaming, Avatar, Commercial | by
Zabaware since Nov 2006 in English, Web, Social, Speech recognition, Speech synthesis, Text recognition, Animated avatar, Commercial | by
Anboto since Apr 2011 in English, Web, Branded conversations, Career & education, Customer service, Facial expressions, Gestures, Picture, Commercial | by
Anboto since Apr 2011 in English, Web, Branded conversations, Campaign, Career & education, Customer service, Facial expressions, Gestures, Video, Commercial | by
Urbisoft since Apr 2012 in English, Web, Proof of Concept, Text recognition, Picture, Commercial | by
Lucas since Aug 2016 in English, Web, Home & living, Text recognition, Text synthesis, Avatar, Amateur | by