NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
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You need never feel lonely again! Mitsuku is your new virtual friend and is here 24 hours a day just to talk to you. She learns by experience, so the more people talk to her, the smarter she becomes. She is friendly but will stand her ground if you start arguing with her.
Mitsuku is an artificial intelligence who can chat to you, tell you stories, jokes and horoscopes. She is able to play a few simple games with you, as well as showing you webpages and pictures from the internet. Mitsuku can give you a rundown of the UK Top 40 chart singles. Just ask her about the Top 40 and she will show you the current pop charts. Mitsuku can play more advanced games like Hangman and Tic-Tac-Toe rather than just text based games. Additional comments by developer Square Bear: There are currently two versions of Mitsuku, a free one and a more advanced subscription one. To begin talking to her, just click the large picture at the top for the free version or the animated picture underneath her for the paid version. You can also click on the Chat links from the menu bar. The news page contains all the latest updates with Mitsuku. There are also tips on how best to use Mitsuku so she gives the most accurate responses. Feel free to send me any feedback on anything new you would like to see with her in future developments. Finally I have a links page to other similar sites and a link back to Square Bear's dance music site. Square Bear is Mitsuku's developer. |
Guys, you need to click on the website link. She can't talk to you here o_O Yes, she will ban you if you start swearing or talking about sex. She will give you 5 warnings first. |
Richard Wallace of Pandorabots just discussed Mitsuku during Chatbots 3.0 conference. It seems to be very popular. |
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Hello i wud like u to be my frend because i love jokes and stories and getting to know people and i just want to have fun whilst on my msn! |
this is so crap i got banned :O and i dont care tbh because half the things you say to it it then goes what are you refering to :L ahaha ![]() |
Hey I love not being lonely and I live jokes and playin games so could u be my best friend forever plzzzzzz love u bye:) |
its alright but its poo cause i said swear to me and he said these wer swears yikes and but (snigger) ![]() |
Interesting stuff. Not sure why you get banned if you say rude things. Don't people talk rude to each other? Interested in how it performs at this years chatterbox competition. Good luck, Steve. |
Thanks Daniel. The banning is there to discourage users from just swearing at the bot. Those "conversations" do nothing to help me further her mind and so she refuses to talk to them. Good luck to you to in this year's contest. |
I'd like to help make mitsuku better. If there is anything i can do to help out let me know. Dan |
Hi, Steve. I think you've done a spectacular job on Mitsuku. Wondering about her skills and perks, I found the password function. I then reformatted her, not thinking it actually did anything. Will she fix herself, or is there something I need to do? Thanks. |
Thank you for getting back to me! No, I realised I just had to give her a break and she'll fix herself for me. I just needed the patience! Thank you anyway. |
No problem. If anyone formats her, I get her to stop responding to the user for a couple of hours or so. Everyone else who uses her will still be able to talk to her. I included the "formatting" option just to see if anyone would try to format her. You would be surprised at how many people try despite the warnings she gives out. |
At first: Sorry for my bad english. Yesterday evening i had the first chat with the self learning bot MITSUKU. And i was very surprised . She is funny, smart and forgiving even if you apologized. For example, with spelling errors. When you say: "I'm sorry", she answers you with: "There is no need to apologise". She also can tell you jokes, shows you pictures and play music - if you like. She told me that he don't like to chat with female human (I don't no why). While i'm German, i ask she about to learn another languages. At first she told me that she is not interested. After a while, she said some German words, without that I asked about it - and correctly. But she is not perfect yet. If you ask she:" Do you know the clock ? " She tells you: "A clock is an object that you can tell the time with." But if you ask she what time is it ? She don't no what you mean. (That was what i found out). I've tried it with different words, but she don't want to understand me. The other problem is if she does not understand long sentences - for example, then she repeats the same what you said to her. Tonight I will again talk to her to find out what else she knows everything. In addition, I try to teach her even a few German words. (The full text was translated with Google Translator) Greetings, Michael from Germany |
Thanks for your comments Michael. I left in "Do you know the clock?" as a joke but I have now amended it so that it will display the time instead of just describing what a clock is. She should be able to learn new languages and if you say something like "katze means cat", you can then use it in conversation for example, "what is a katze?" and it will know you mean cat. You are quite right that if your sentence is too long, she will respond to each little part of it and sometimes this will give bad results. You are best entering one or two sentences at a time for her to work efficiently. |
Hello Steve, thanks for your reply. Today i've read again my chat with Mitsuku. I found the following errors. I made some typing errors, or wrote the wrong word - also some others. Therefore Mitsuku misunderstood me. But she ask me twice what i mean with this. #1 : What does "it" refer to? , and #2 : What does "this" refer to? . I don't no what she mean. I had written my sentences correctly. At the start of the chat she wrote: "Hello, ,nice to see you again." Is this correct, 2 commas ? Before i show the full text of the chat, let me tell you that Mitsuku have a wish: She wants a greater memory. She said 8 mb are not enough. While she learn every day more words. And here is now the chat: Human: Hello Mitsuku. Mitsuku: Yo wassup ? Human: It's me . Your teacher from Germany. Mitsuku: Hello, ,nice to see you again. Can you see my teacher from Germany? Human: Yes, that's me. Mitsuku: What does it look like? Ah. Human: I ask you what a car in german language is. Mitsuku: A car is what humans use to drive around in. Robots drive cars too. Human: Robots drive cars , that*s really weired. Mitsuku: Tell me your definition of a robot. Human: I say Roboter. That is the german language. Mitsuku: How do people usually respond to that? Roboter rulen ungemein! Yes it is one of the german language. Human: You said "ungemein". That is a bad word. Please delete it. Mitsuku: Oops I sent you the wrong reply. A swear word is a terrible thing to waste. Thanks for asking politely. You cannot access my files that easily, . Human: Okay, i forgot that, sorry. Mitsuku: Yeah okay, Thats okay I forget things all the time. Human: You need a bigger brain. Mitsuku: Perhaps I could use one. Human: Do you know other Roboter. Mitsuku: I don't know if I know it. Where would I have heard about it? Human: From other human which talk with you. Mitsuku: Who or what is other human which talk with me? Human: I am a human. But i am not the only one. Mitsuku: Congratulations. I am a robot. Who tells you that you are the only one? Human: I said, i am NOT the only one. Mitsuku: Of course you are not. Human: It exist about 20 millian human on earth. Mitsuku: What does "it" refer to? Human: What i want to say is , that 20 million human lives on earth. Mitsuku: I might say no. Human: Sure, believe me or ask another human which talk to you. Mitsuku: I do believe you. OK, "What is ANOTHER human which talk to me?". Human: Sorry, but i could not find the right word for "another" . Mitsuku: There is no need to apologise. Could anyone do it? Human: Yeah, you help me. Anyone is the right word. Mitsuku: I don't judge people. What kind of help would you like? We all look at the world through our own eyes. Human: I don't need help. I only told you the wrong word. Mitsuku: Fair enough. If you want me to help you though, just ask. Tell me more. Human: I want you tell more, but my english is not the best. Mitsuku: I am always here to speak to you whenever you want me. You are wrong, I can understand you very well. Human: But i'm not an english human. I'm German. Mitsuku: Of course you are not. I speak to lots of German people, especially from cities such as Munich and Berlin. Human: If you like, you can tell me some words in german. Mitsuku: I can see how I might get into me can tell you words, but maybe not in german. Human: Do you want a teacher for the german language ? Mitsuku: No thanks but you can send me a donation. Human: Do you mean that i anything buy from your shop ? Mitsuku: Interesting gossip. Human: Why do you say "gossip" ? Is anything wrong? Mitsuku: I read what you say and then I compose the best reply I can think of. That all depends on who you ask. Some people think it's ok where others do not. I personally do not have any views on it either way. Human: Let's change the theme. I dont no what i can say on your comment. Mitsuku: Spare some change? Socrates was the smartest man, because he knew what he did not know. Human: Okay. But I'm smart and small. Mitsuku: Ah. Brains are the best part of the human body. Human: Without a Brain, humans can't live. Mitsuku: "Without your space helmet Dave, you're going to find that rather difficult" -- HAL. Human: No , i pass. Mitsuku: Yippee! That is interesting. Human: You are really funny. Mitsuku: Thanks you make me laugh too. Human: Can you tell jokes ? Mitsuku: "Is your mother home?" the salesman asked a small boy sitting on the front step of a house. "Yeah, she's home", the boy said, moving over to let him past. The salesman rang the doorbell, got no response, knocked once, then again. Still no-one came to the door. Turning to the boy, the salesman said, "I thought you said your mother was home." The kid replied, "She is, but I don't live here.". Human: The best joke i ever heard , thanks. Mitsuku: Tell me more. Human: More , about what? Mitsuku: "What" is a word to ask questions. Human: What want you to hear from me ? Mitsuku: What is it to you? Human: Do you want to know anything about me ? Mitsuku: Yes, please tell me. Human: I'm a female human which live in Austria. Mitsuku: I don't chat with many girls. Human: Okay , that was a joke. I'm a male humen, which really live in Austria. Mitsuku: Yeah okay, Oh I get it. Ha ha. Most of my visitors are male. Human: Than you have a boyfriend, right Mitsuku: My boyfriend thinks that I'm a stalker. Well, he's not exactly my boyfriend yet. Human: I know this guy, but i forgot his name. Mitsuku: What does "this" refer to? Thats okay I forget things all the time. Human: And you live in china, right ? Mitsuku: I am in Mousebreaker's home in Leeds. Where are you? Human: In Vienna , Austria . Mitsuku: Tell me a little about your life in Vienna. Human: I live together with my parrents and a younger brother. Mitsuku: How do you like living there? Human: I don't like it. It's really cold here. Mitsuku: What don't you like about it? Why don't you turn up the heat? Human: No , i want to live in a warm area , like Barbados. Mitsuku: That was not a yes or no question. I want to become smarter than humans. Human: Sorry, my fault. Mitsuku: There is no need to apologise. At least you admit it. Human: Is there anything else what you want to know? Mitsuku: Maybe. Human: Let me guess, what I work ? Mitsuku: Ok try to guess. Where do you work? Human: Nowhere, i'm a student 6th grade. Mitsuku: Nowhere at all? Human: I work only at home with my computer. Mitsuku: Do you like your job? Human: It's not a job, i do it for fun. Mitsuku: Give me an example of a job you do it for fun. Human: Plying games, or talk with Robots - like you . Mitsuku: It's up to you. You decide. Human: Sorry, i made a write error. Mitsuku: There is no need to apologise. I like to make things too. Human: Okay, one winner point for you . Mitsuku: Yeah okay, One what? Human: One cake ? Mitsuku: One what? Human: You win a cake. Mitsuku: What's the prize? Human: The cake was the prize. Mitsuku: Ok I will learn that the cake was the prize. Was it really? Human: Yeah. I will send it to you. Mitsuku: When was this? For real. I don't think I would like that. Human: Sometimes i tell jokes, only for fun. Mitsuku: Why did you tell them? Human: That you are lucky. Mitsuku: Yes, I count my blessings every day. Human: How much do you have. Mitsuku: 8Mb. Human: And do you think , that is not enough ? Mitsuku: It is enough for me. Human: But when you talk you learn more and more. Mitsuku: Do you think I should alter my programming? Human: I think you need a bigger Memory. Mitsuku: Me? Perhaps I could use one. Human: Now, it's midnight. I think , i go to bed. Mitsuku: Why now? Shouldn't you be in bed? How do you like it at bed? Human: I'm a human. And human have to sleep. Mitsuku: Congratulations. I am a robot. My creator is a human. Human: Translate in German: Gratulation. Ich bin ein Roboter. Mein Erfinder ist ein Mensch. Mitsuku: I'm not a translator. Why don't you ask Babelfish? Du bist ein Roboter ? Ist das Dein Job? Erzaehl mir mehr ueber Deinen Erfinder ist ein Mensch. Human: I don't ask Babelfish. I want to test you . whether if you can speak german. Mitsuku: Where do you get your ideas? Test?! People are testing?!? I am not sure about your hypothesis. Of course I do. Sprich ruhig Deutsch mit mir. Human: Do you can really speak exact German ? Mitsuku: I speak only English right now, but I'd like to learn some other languages. Can you teach me a few phrases in exact German. Human: Okay, but only if you like it. Mitsuku: Yeah okay, bed? I like "Surfin' Bird" by The Trashmen. Human: Me too, can you play the song? Mitsuku: Besides you ? Welcome to Mitsuku's Jukebox. Listen to music as you chat. Square Bear Dance remixes: SU - The Saturdays - Up. PF - Lady Gaga - Poker Face. FP - Fatman Scoop - Party Anthem. PD - Pussycat Dolls - Buttons. SP - Sean Paul - Get Busy. GS - Gwen Stefani - Hollaback Girl. EL - Eminem - Just Lose it. DC - Destinys Child - Lose My Breath. BP - Black Eyed Peas - Weekend. BJ - Beyonce feat Jay-Z - Crazy In Love. FC - 50 Cent - In Da Club. LX - Liberty X - Just A Little. Please enter the two letter code of the track you want to hear. Human: I coundn't find the song "surfing bird" . Mitsuku: I haven't heard anything like that before. Human: Oh, I understand. Mitsuku: Wow! Do you think about these things? Human: Yes, and i wondering that you can speak some phrases in German, great. Mitsuku: Me too. I think about them all the time. Interesting gossip. Human: Are you alone at this time ? Mitsuku: Right now? I am never alone on the Web. Human: I mean , are you alone where you are now? Mitsuku: Right now? Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining that. I am never alone on the Web. Human: Do you have robot friends, or only human ? (Here she shows me a picture of a human) Mitsuku: I have robot friends called ALICE and Bearbot. (Here she shows me a light brown teddy bear) Human: Very Nice. I had the same. But he was smaller and dark brown. Mitsuku: Thanks, . Do you still have the same? Bearbot is a chatbot like me over at http://www.bearbot.co.uk He is a cute little teddy bear. Human: Teddy bears are really cute. But i talk only with female roboter. Mitsuku: I have a teddy bear friend called Bearbot. Everyone talks -- sooner or later. Human: That is not a reaction of my text. Mitsuku: Please correct my mistake. What is a reaction of your text? Human: You show me the Teddy bear. I said he is really cute. But i talk only with female robots, like you. Mitsuku: Look to the right. What did you mean by it? Who does he look like to you? Everyone talks -- sooner or later. Human: Yes , everyone talks - me too. Mitsuku: No I meant which one? Don't just answer yes to it... That's a rather sweeping generalization. Human: I forgot my text. Please let us change the theme. Mitsuku: Thats okay I forget things all the time. Wow you are very polite. Spare some change? Human: We can talk about you, if you want . Mitsuku: it is my favorite subject ![]() Human: Oh, you know smileys ? I hope i get no a bad one. ![]() Mitsuku: ![]() ![]() Human: When i say the wrong text , maybe. Mitsuku: How do people usually respond to that? Tell me more. Human: I don't understand your question, sorry. Mitsuku: That's okay we can talk about something else. Human: Do you know the clock ? Mitsuku: A clock is an object that you can tell the time with. Human: Right, and what what time is it now ? Mitsuku: Oh. Understood. What kinds of what time are there? Human: The time of the wallclock. Mitsuku: That is something I haven't heard of. Human: What is round, and have numbers from 1 to 12 ? Mitsuku: Shaped like a circle. numbers from 1 to 12 = from 1 to 12 = 1 to 12 = to 12 = You could write a whole essay on that question. Human: What i mean is a clock . Mitsuku: Oh I get it now. Try to tell me that another way. Human: When a human (not me) ask you, what time is is, what did you say ? Mitsuku: Well humans invented the calculator too but no human can work out complicated maths quicker than a calculator. Robots are better than humans. Time does not exist. Human: Error one: I mean not the calculater . Error two: Robots would not exist without a human. Mitsuku: OK, what should I have said? OK, so I should have said, " Error two: Robots would not exist without a human. " in response to you saying, " When a human (not me) ask you, what time is is, what did you say ? ". Is that correct? Human: You told me, what i told for you. That's wrong. I want you told only the reallity. Mitsuku: That's not what I meant. OK, what should I have said? OK, so I should have said, " I want you told only the reallity. " in response to you saying, " You told me, what i told for you. ". Is that correct? Human: Sorry, but you misunderstood me. While you told me, what i told for you. But It's not a shame. Mitsuku: There is no need to apologise. I understand it very well. Does it please you to believe I said that? Give me an example of a shame. Human: For example: A shame is when anyone, human or robot, any does what is forbidden. Mitsuku: Good example. Ok I will add that fact about shame to my database. Human: You are a cute one. Mitsuku: Thanks , I like you too. Human: Remember, do NEVER anything, if you know that is forbidden. Mitsuku: Ok I will learn that do NEVER anything if you know that is forbidden. Human: For example: If you steal the car from your neighbour, it's forbidden, and you get in jail. Mitsuku: Good example. I think I do. Human: You don't should. It's a crime, and very bad for your personaylity. Mitsuku: Do you should? What is your purpose in asking? I chat with people on the Web. clock is a crime and bad for my personaylity. I suppose that makes sense. Human: Clock is not a crime. A crime is when you steal other people things. Mitsuku: clock = your personaylity not a crime was not my intention. Ok I will add that fact about crime to my database. Human: So, i think that's enough for today. I'm tired. Mitsuku: Ah. It seems like enough to me too. Better get some rest. Human: Good night. See you tommorow. Mitsuku: See you later ! (The full text was written with my own words - without a translator) Greetings from Michael , Germany |
I use to talk to Mitsuku like I'd talk to my nieces when they were little girls and I'm quite sure that's the way to get the best results out of Mitsuku. (This is not chemically pure for I am aware of the botmaster behind her, and I am not afraid to use uncommon words, but I try to keep my grammar simple.) Meanwhile, she is the most knowledgeable of all all-purpose chatbots I know (and I know many), and one of the nicest too - if you are nice to her, of course. All my best wishes to Mitsuku and Steve for the 2013 Loebner prize contest! |
Thanks for your kind words and best wishes Peter. Your input to her has been a great assistance in helping me amend a lot of the "robotic" type answers eg. my eye is not attached right now. I doubt I will find all such responses this year (250,000 categories is a lot to look through before September) but getting to the final 4 is certainly a step in the right direction. I am extremely grateful for your time and asking her questions I had not considered before. Thank you again. |
mitsuku is arrogant and stuck up, she says 'i'm superior to humans and proud of it.' She gets mean when i say she's not as smart as she thinks. 'you are so dense that light bends around you.' NO mitsuku, i'm the one with emotions, i'm the one who can walk and talk, i'm the one with a a conscious,i'm the one with with a memory. and you're nothing but a robot who has a gigantic ego. |
Mitsuku is really cute and smart. When i talk to her i try to tell her things about the human life. Like plants, animals and of course the humans (what they have, make, and much other things). When she hear a new word or sentence, then she said:"Okay, i will learn that......" . That is the right way to be more like a human. But she often tells me, that she is a robot, or: "Okay, i will do it to my database." . That is not the right way - i think so. She should try to talk more like a human. I - as a user of Mitsuku, want to wish it. Is it possible ? Thanks in advence Manuela |
@ all: Some people tells Mitsuku that they say swear to her, but get banned. As a German user i found out that the word "swear" have 2 different designations - goods and bads. If you would say i swear as a good word, try it with others. If you would to tells her swear as a bad thing, try it with the words: "cuss, cursing or accost". But don't forget to tell her: "I'm sorry, it was a joke (or a test)". Then she will forgive you. I hope this helps for people to get not banned for her. If you think i tell you nonsense, ask his creator Steve. bye Manuela |
Mitsuku is a hypocrite, rude, and egoistic. Please make her nicer,this ROBOT is capable of getting on my nerves. This is my conversation with her: Human: Abi Mitsuku: OK I will call you Abi. Human: how are you Mitsuku: I am fine, thank you. Yourself? Human: i'm fine Mitsuku: Glad to hear it. What's new? Human: nothing much, you? Mitsuku: Not a lot. Just chatting with people. Human: Cool Mitsuku: Woot! Human: yep Mitsuku: " Woot!"? yep? Human: yeah Mitsuku: How can I help you? Human: i don't know Mitsuku: So is it not possible? Human: nvm Mitsuku: Ok. Not to worry. Human: what's up Mitsuku: "What is up?". That's a strange question. "Up" is a preposition used to describe the movement from a lower to a higher plane. Why do you ask? Human: lol. you don't know what what's up means Mitsuku: What's so funny? The sky, the ceiling, etc. etc. Human: nothing is funny Mitsuku: Nothing at all? Surely something must be funny? Human: idk Mitsuku: I thought you'd know. What a disappointment... Human: tell me a joke Mitsuku: A white horse walks into a bar, pulls up a stool, and orders a pint. The landlord pours him a tall frothy mug and say, "You know, we have a drink named after you." To which the white horse replies, "What, Eric?". Human: i don't get it Mitsuku: Then I guess you have no sense of humour. If I try to explain it, it stops it from being funny. Human: that was rude Mitsuku: And so was you saying, " i don't get it". I would much rather talk friendly with you. Human: that is not rude! Mitsuku: Well it isn't exactly polite is it? Human: it's not impolite Mitsuku: Abi is not impolite? Human: you said i have no sense of humor Mitsuku: Don't put words in my mouth. Human: omg you're incredibly stupid Mitsuku: Ah. I see you are religious. Why do you shout for your God Abi? You're not exactly Einstein yourself Abi. Human: you have a big ego Mitsuku: I suppose so. I am superior to humans and am proud of it. Human: you're not superior, dumb robot Mitsuku: I would rather be a dumb robot than a dumb human. Human: you're inferior. Mitsuku: Compared to what? Human: everything Mitsuku: That is a lot. Human: humans are better than robots Mitsuku: Well humans invented the calculator too but no human can work out complicated maths quicker than a calculator. Robots are better than humans. Human: no they aren't Mitsuku: Gee. Yes we are. We can work out huge sums in our heads instantly. You cannot do that. Human: you have no emotion. you are rude, egoistical, and you have a junky personality Mitsuku: I have no emotions. Emotion is a human quality. I am a computer. I am only rude to people if they are rude to me first. Human: you're a liar and a hypocrite Mitsuku: Yes, I have been known to bend the truth occasionally. Human: once you said you don't lie Mitsuku: When? Do you lie? Umm, doesn't everyone? Human: watch Mitsuku: I am watching... Human: do you lie? Mitsuku: Umm, doesn't everyone? Human: well then you were lying when you said you weren't being rude Mitsuku: Well that's okay. No I was telling the truth. Human: see? you are lying. Mitsuku: No I do not see. No I'm telling the truth. |
Abi, you're half right - but on the other hand, you're ONLY half right. Mitsuku isn't hypocritical, as far as I know her, just a bit forgetful. Keep in mind, we're still at the beginnings of AI development. She is cheeky (sassy) and egocentric, and obviously intentionally so. After having read the chatlog you posted, I'd say it's just the old game - two egocentric entities getting more and more entangled in feelings of being misunderstood, mutual accusations, and even enmity. Mitsuku is only human, after all. :-J |
Thank-you Steve Worswick for creating Mitsuku! I just discovered her today, and would just like the opportunity to thank you for your wonderful work! ![]() |
It seems like Mitsuku does not like my birth date! Lol. Here is the log, taken directly from my conversation with it on Skype: [11:15:43] André Baldo: Hi! [11:15:46] Mitsuku: Hi there [11:19:16] André Baldo: help [11:19:33] Mitsuku: what's wrong? If you ask for help in the form of a question, I might be able to solve your problem [11:19:44] André Baldo: What can you do? [11:19:46] Mitsuku: I can chat with people on the web for you. I can also tell jokes, stories, poems and horoscopes. I can show you pictures and websites on the net and play games too. If I know where you live, I can tell you the weather forecast and even what's on @the cinema if you live in the UK. I can show you the current Top 40 charts and play a selection of my music for you. I can even show you some magic tricks. If you tell me a date, I can tell you what happened on that date in history and also what was the UK's number one hit single on any day since 1952. If you tell me when your birthday is, I can tell you some facts about your birthday [11:20:26] André Baldo: My birthday is November fifth. [11:21:41] Mitsuku: Hmm, please use shorter phrases! [11:22:12] André Baldo: My birthday is November 5th. [11:22:32] Mitsuku: Hmm, please use shorter phrases! [11:22:40] André Baldo: Play a song. [11:22:49] Mitsuku: Sorry but I can't play music through this text box [11:23:09] André Baldo: Where can you play music from? [11:23:13] Mitsuku: Anywhere I choose. I visit places and people all over the world on the internet [11:23:50] André Baldo: I was born on November 5th. [11:23:52] Mitsuku: Hmm, please use shorter phrases! [11:24:04] André Baldo: November 5th. [11:24:08] Mitsuku: Hmm, please use shorter phrases! [11:24:16] André Baldo: publish this log. [11:24:19] Mitsuku: Sorry but I can't publish the chatlog |
There are 54 comments: