NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Virtual agents / Chatbots
in France

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Avatar - France
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sylvana Bienvenue sur RATP. Je suis Sylvana dans l´intranet de RATP

Greta a chatbot / conversational agent representing TELECOM ParisTech

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Greta Greta is a real-time three dimensional embodied conversational agent with a 3D model of a woman compliant with MPEG-4 animation standard. She is able to communicate using a rich palette of verbal and nonverbal behaviours. Greta can talk and simultaneously show facial expressions, gestures, gaze, and head movements.

Greta currently speaks various languages: English, Italian, French, German, Swedish and Polish.

Mona a chatbot / virtual agent representing France 5

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mona Agent d'accueil et d'information pour France 5

Expired Cybelle a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cybelle French description for: Cybelle is the proof of concept of the French chatbot developer AgentLand. You can ask 'tell me about yourself on the homepage'.
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