Journal of Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Application (JAITA) is a peer-reviewed high-quality journal that publishes articles which contribute new theoretical and application results in all areas of Artificial Intelligence. Read more

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Journal of Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Application (JAITA) is a peer-reviewed high-quality journal that publishes articles which contribute new theoretical and application results in all areas of Artificial Intelligence. Read more
International Journal of Universal Computer Sciences (IJUCS) is a peer-reviewed high-quality journal that publishes articles which contribute new theoretical and application results in all areas of Computer Sciences. Read more
Journal of Modelling and Simulation of Systems (JMSS) is a peer-reviewed high-quality journal that publishes articles which contribute new theoretical and application results in all areas of Modelling and Simulation. Read more
International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics aims to publish the latest research and development results and experiences in the areas of bioinformatics, data mining and knowledge discovery, and the role of data mining techniques and methods in integrating and interpreting the bioinformatics data sets and improving effectiveness and/or efficiency and quality for bioinformatics data analysis. The major objective of IJDMB is to stimulate new multidisciplinary research and the development of cutting-edge data mining methods,... Read more
The objectives of International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications (IJBRA) are to develop, promote and coordinate the development and practice of bioinformatics and computational biology. IJBRA aims to help professionals working in the field, academic educators and policy-makers to contribute, to disseminate knowledge, and to learn from each other’s work. The international dimension is emphasised in order to overcome cultural and national barriers and to meet the needs of accelerating technological change and changes... Read more
International Journal of Soft Computing and Bioinformatics (IJSCB) aims to bridge the gap between the two areas of Bioinformatics & Soft Computing. It is widely believed that Soft Computing will provide more powerful tools for analyzing, predicting and understanding data from gene expression, and other emerging genomic and proteomic technologies. IJSCB aims to provide a lively forum for the communication of original research. However, it is not intended to confine itself to the application of... Read more
International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics is an international research journal, which publishes articles describing recent fundamental contributions in the field of Bioinformatics. Artificial intelligence and computational intelligence theory and their applications in Bioinformatics are the essential topics being covered. Journal publishes research articles and reviews within the whole field of bioinformatics, and it will continue to provide information on the latest trends and developments in this ever-expanding subject. Read more
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International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Healthcare Informatics seeks to provide evidential research on groundbreaking and emerging areas of computational intelligence techniques and tools, with particular focus on emerging trends and applications in health care informatics including genomics and proteomics. In endeavoring to fulfill the objectives of providing a scholarly and quality outlet for innovative topics, trends and research in the field of computational intelligence, the CIHCI will succeed in expanding the availability of the... Read more
International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control is a peer-reviewed journal of analytical. computational and experimental studies of computational intelligence in control. The journal publishes high-quality and insightful papers on the theory, design, and application of computational intelligence, including neural networks, fuzzy systems, genetic algorithms, bioinformatics and soft computing systems, in control. Read more
The International Journal of Bioinformatics is aim to publish all the latest and outstanding research articles, reviews and letters in all areas of bioinformatics. Each issue contains a series of timely, in-depth written articles by leaders in the field, covering a wide range of the integration of biology with computer and information science. Read more