Virtual Patient Player in Second Life

The JISC-funded PREVIEW project aims to develop problem-based learning (PBL) scenarios in Second Life (SL) for distance-learning healthcare students. One of the target courses - a Paramedic course run by the joint faculty of St George’s University of London and Kingston University – uses PBL that is based upon a ‘virtual patient’ model.
In order to keep scenarios as sustainable and portable as possible we adopted the MedBiquitous VP Standard – or MVP - designed for any virtual patient player or
authoring system. For this project an MVP player capable of operating within Second Life was created. This allows the same case to be played both within Second Life and on the web.
The PBL scenarios were tested with small groups of Paramedic students with some limited experimentation with different collaboration models. Feedback from students
and tutors was generally positive.
Further adaptation and testing of the scenarios will be carried out over the coming
months, before the scenarios are embedded as PBL exercises within the Paramedic curricula in the next Academic year.