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error page has no description of why the visitor is there

This morning, I had in my email, four notification messages that someone had posted to the forums, all of which lead me to the error page. I expect that this is because the posts in question were removed for some reason or another, but the error page was completely devoid of any sort of reason as to why I had ended up there. I feel that this will confuse visitors, and should at least state a basic reason why the visitor arrived at the error page; something like “post not found”, or “post deleted” would work, though I would personally go with the first statement. Additionally, a link to the topic that the post was in would be a good idea, too, unless the removed post was the beginning of a topic, in which case a link to the category that the topic was in would be appropriate.


  [ # 1 ]

Good point Dave! We’ll add this to our forum upgrade which is planned in version 2.8.5!


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