
Total posts: 14
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Check him out.
Image Attachments
Posted: Mar 26, 2011 |
[ # 1 ]

Total posts: 2048
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The page seems unavailable. Is this the same bot that was entered in the Chatterbox Challenge last year?
Posted: Mar 26, 2011 |
[ # 2 ]

Total posts: 14
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Steve Worswick - Mar 26, 2011: The page seems unavailable. Is this the same bot that was entered in the Chatterbox Challenge last year?
It should be available now. Yes it is the same one, which the AIML I have worked on in since 1999 so there is no way this is an Alice clone like they stated, yes it uses AIML and has some of the answers that alicebot does, but it is custom database and growing everyday. My goal is to try and mimic talking to the king of rock - n- roll. Me and John Lenon were 2 of the first bots on the web back in 1998-99. I will not enter him into the chatterbot challenge again for the reason stated above, not worth my time.
But sorry for the rant but he should be back up now. Back in 99 he was just a webpage with a pic of elvis and text responses. Now he has had a makeup overhaul etc…and looks alot more pleasing then before.
Posted: Mar 26, 2011 |
[ # 3 ]

Total posts: 2048
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Really nice avatar you have there. I assume it’s Sitepal?
I believe even the original Alice AIML files mention this bot and John Lennon too. Nice work.
I too had the same problem last year with the “no-clone” rule and was also disqualified after extensive work over a number of years.
Posted: Mar 26, 2011 |
[ # 4 ]

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Steve Worswick - Mar 26, 2011: Really nice avatar you have there. I assume it’s Sitepal?
I believe even the original Alice AIML files mention this bot and John Lennon too. Nice work.
I too had the same problem last year with the “no-clone” rule and was also disqualified after extensive work over a number of years.
Yes they need to not diqulaify a bot based on his artitechture but his knowledge base that has been built for many years talkin to many people on the net. Just becuase Dr richard Wallace (good friend of mine) made alicebot, doesnt mean we cant defer from the norm alice AIML to make a completely different personality
Posted: Mar 26, 2011 |
[ # 5 ]

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Very true. I decided to re-enter my Mitsuku AIML bot this year and it seems to be doing pretty well so far. I was in two minds whether to bother after last year but I guess a potenitial $1,000 prize money heals old wounds!
Posted: Mar 26, 2011 |
[ # 6 ]

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Ace, welcome to the forums, and nice work on the interface. I didn’t chat much with Elvis, but the short conversation I did have was interesting. Keep up the good work! 
Posted: Mar 26, 2011 |
[ # 7 ]

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Dave Morton - Mar 26, 2011: Ace, welcome to the forums, and nice work on the interface. I didn’t chat much with Elvis, but the short conversation I did have was interesting. Keep up the good work! 
Thank you for the welcome. I hope Elvis gets to be enjoyed by all kinds of generations. I want the younger crowd to be able to talk to the King of Rock -n- Roll like he was alive today. As soon as you allow my bot to go live then I hope he can learn from people talking to him.
Thanks again,
Ace Craig
Posted: Mar 27, 2011 |
[ # 8 ]

Thunder Walk
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Sunday morning, it’s not connecting.
Posted: Mar 27, 2011 |
[ # 9 ]

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Sorry having issues with my ISP. It is up now as of 6:30 CST.
Posted: Apr 7, 2011 |
[ # 10 ]

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Ok it is back up and paid for lol….http://stormnet.gotdns.com
Posted: May 3, 2011 |
[ # 11 ]

Thunder Walk
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Ace Craig - Apr 7, 2011: Ok it is back up and paid for lol….http://stormnet.gotdns.com
Sorry, it’s still not connecting.
Posted: May 3, 2011 |
[ # 12 ]

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I’m getting the same problem, too, I’m afraid.
Posted: May 3, 2011 |
[ # 13 ]

Thunder Walk
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I hate to seem pesky, but it would be nice to have ELVIS back.
In ALICE/Pandorabots there are several patterns referring to ELVIS the bot. In one particular pattern, the reply has an embedded link that’s very old. I think there have been at least two reincarnations of ELVIS since it was written. When I HAVE been able to locate a working ELVIS bot, I’ve altered the pattern in several of my bots so that the reference worked correctly.
WHO IS ELVIS</pattern>
<template>E. L. V. I. S. is a chat robot created by Ace Craig</template>
Other patterns and replies exist for:
Do you like Elvis?
Do you talk to Elvis?
Do you have a friend?
<template>I have a friend named “ELVIS.”</template>
Posted: May 4, 2011 |
[ # 14 ]

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From what I’m seeing, the DNS is resolving well, but the actual IP address is timing out. Hopefully, this is an easily fixed problem.
Posted: May 4, 2011 |
[ # 15 ]

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Ok seems to be up now..having issues with my ISP…since I am hosting elvis from my home server. I am looking for a better ISP to host this…so bear with me for a while…But as of now he is up and working. Enjoy! I still dont know why he is not listed in the AI bot respository on here…oh well.