Steve Worswick - Mar 29, 2011:
Merlin - Mar 28, 2011:
Steve, how many categories are you up to?
I think Dave said he was at around 40,000 now.
I have ten update files, each containing between 7,000 and 9,000 categories as well as other AIML files ( I would say I was bordering on 90,000+ custom categories written over a period of 8 years or so. This is in addition to the original ALICE files of about 20,000 categories.
In the thread comment as changing the AIML language specification could reduce those 90,000 categories by 90%, ie, would stay at around 9,000 to facilitate maintenance and increasing the speed of response by lowering the number of categories to be processed.
In these proposed changes are an improvement that is being requested in this thread “set of words"or the command “OR” to group multiple words into one category. Clearly you can do with 10, 20 ... 1000 <srai> but that increases the number of categories involves complicate the maintenance and programming.