I am not using JAIL for Marie,
JAIL is currently a private framework that I built to speed AI and chatbot development. It is designed to be platform independent able to run in either a server or a client environment.
I looked at JAIL, and although robust in its API,
it is lacking in its ability to perform custom functions without a lot of additional scripting.
I am interested in how you reached that conclusion. Custom functions are just JavaScript functions. JAIL then allows you to call them directly from the responses. Something like:
function Laura(){alert("Hi Laura");return "Laura is a friend of mine."}
This function would pop up an alert box and also return the text to the response stream.
to use the function in a response is trivial.
“Look who is here! [Laura()]”
I am from the school of building from the ground up keeping the code lean and flexible.
Me too!
I did attempt to request an Internet search using SKY-Net, but I guess that functionality is still in development and not available to your current release.
It can sometimes be confusing talking with Skynet-AI about how it was developed. It tries to retain the Skynet persona so to retain the illusion you might not get direct answers. This is intentional. Skynet does have full search integration. But, the user cannot tell it what search engine to use.
Skynet uses an approach that I call a cascading search algorithm. It parses the input and attempts to direct the search to the engine that has the best chance of responding. In some cases if one engine fails it moves on to a secondary engine. Some searches are performed through simple web page integration will others work with search engine apis.
The response I received was that it had full Google integration, which I will assume means calls to the Google Custom Search API.
Currently Skynet does not use the Google Custom Search API. All the Google searches are done via web page integration. As Google has become more restrictive of showing results in Iframes I moved some of the searches to other engines. I do have the Google Custom Search API running on my test platform, but haven’t felt the need to put it in Skynet-AI yet.
Skynet-Ai does use the Bing search API built in. It has pros and cons versus Google.
Will you also be incorporating ranking based on complete context or just keyword association?
As mentioned earlier, in the Skynet-AI implementation the AI attempts to understand the context of the query and direct it to an engine that will provide the most correct response. This eliminates the need for ranking the results (although I could add that if I found the need in other applications).