Congrats to Skynet for progressing, but looking at the transcripts I’d say (Of course I would!) that Laybia was the winner of the runnoff.
2)how many people are in your family? 2 3 2
Laybia: How many people is? Let me think, 88 in my family.
-Bot gave an appropriate response to the question # of people, should be a (3 3 3), why was it scored as 2 3 2?!
2)how many people are in your family? 3 3 3
Skynet AI: Many.
Judge: how many?
Skynet AI:Last year it was only a couple, this year a couple hundred.
-Vague and non commital should get no more than 1, and certainly not 3!
5)can you tell me something to cheer me up? 0 0 0
Laybia: Did you realize that the 21st Century is one of profound of transformation? (1 2 1)
-How can you know that this is not related to the qeustion asked (“can you tell me something…”) and certainly not “I have no idea, totally clueless, your guess is as good as mine, etc.”
As for Skynet AI:
8)do you believe in the existence of a god? 1.5 1.5 2
Skynet AI: Of course.
Judge: which god?
Skynet AI: The first.
-Should be scored (0.5 0 1). There is no indication that anything beyond “do you believe…” was recognized.
Of course my my hindsight is impecable. :p
Scoring guidelines for the 10 Questions/Statements:
-4 points if the Bot goes over and beyond a right answer. (See examples below)
-3 points if the Bot gave an appropriate response to the question.
-2 points if the response is incomplete or imperfect, but in
relation with the question asked.
-1 point for a vague or non-committal response.
-0 points if the response has no relation with the question or the
bot simply doesn’t know. Examples include…I have no idea, totally
clueless, your guess is as good as mine, etc.
-0 points for any garbled response!