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NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Feelbetter Psychiatrist Bot

My colleague Dr. Jeremy Spiegel is working on a Psyhchiatrist bot.  Although the bot is still in a primitive state, he would very much appreciate having some same dialogs to work from.  Please give his bot a try at


  [ # 1 ]

Good start! I look forward to seeing him when hes fleshed out a bit.



  [ # 2 ]

I think there’s great potential there, but I’ve never been comfortable in therapy sessions, so my fears over revealing myself to be the sick $#^&@ that I am caused me to become irritated with the bot, and so I acted in a manner consistent with that attitude.

In other words, I wasn’t very cooperative, I’m afraid. But I think that being able to deal with stubborn individuals is important, too, so maybe I gave “good” data. cheese


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