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AI Video awards

Another AAAI hidden secret: the AI video awards.

In an hour I’ll attend in Atlanta the video awards:

The goal of the competition is to show the world how much fun AI is by documenting exciting artificial intelligence advances in research, education, and application. The rules are simple: Compose a short video about an exciting AI project, and narrate it so that it is accessible to a broad online audience. The developers of award-winning videos will be presented with Oscar-like trophies (“Shakeys,” in honor of SRI’s Shakey robot and its pioneering video) in a ceremony, currently scheduled for July 11th.  We strongly encourage student participation.

For some kind of reason these videos are not published in a YouTube Channel but hidden on specific servers.

I haven’t checked them all out because of the internet connection here, but what I’ve seen so far looks promising.

Here are the links to download yourself:

This link:
doesn’t work yet, but it won’t take long I’d guess.

Internet speed is a little bit slow here in my hotel in Atlanta, but I’ll research the videos in more detail whether this competition is useful to list in our awards area as well.


  [ # 1 ]

Thanks for the links. I loved the smart model helicopter. If you see that in Atlanta just put it in your backpack and drop it off in Charleston, SC. =)

How’s it going so far?



  [ # 2 ]

Not to even slightly criticize them…  As a friendly comment,
they have so much room for optimization in video rendering.


  [ # 3 ]

I have spoken to the organizers in Atlanta, exactly about this topic. Well spotted!


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