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Android chatbot with Program AB

Hello. I’m developing an Android chatbot app with Program ab AIML interpreter.
I created the aiml files for program ab and now I want to create the android chatBot interface.
Is someone here who developed such an app?
I need some information about the android part of this app, because I’m new in android programing and I have some questions about it. I know how to implement program ab in asset folder and the ab .jar in libs, it works. What I want to know is how to build the chat, to send the messages to bot and to get the request fom it, in an android listView (textView). (Ihave a listView to hold the messages with adapter).


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Hello. I want to create a chatbot using android and program ab.
I created the bot on, I downloaded it and now I don’t know hot to implement it in program ab.
I saw bots in program AB have 5 files aiml, aimlif,config, sets and maps but the file downloaded from pandorabot didn’t have this structure.

Please help!


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