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Spanish chatbot on Android


We are developing a chatbot in an Android application in Spanish. There you can speak with Miguel de Cervantes, the Spanish writter.

If there is spanish people reading this (or if you want to improve your Spanish), can you please test it ?

The application is accessible here:

Thank you a lot.
Best regards,


  [ # 1 ]

¡Hola, Javier, y bienvenidos!

And that’s pretty much the extent of my Spanish, I’m afraid (well, the Spanish I know that isn’t cussing).

Sadly, I also do not have an Android device capable of running the app. My cell phone is just that; a cell phone (I intentionally have a dumb-phone. I don’t want the thing to be smarter than I am), but I’m sure that someone here will be able to help. I just wanted to extend a friendly greeting. smile


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