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Failed at the rivescript@2.0.0 build script

To start I am relatively new to Rivescript so please be patient.

I am attempting to run my html with my js and .rive using a web server (using the web-server steps in the github). In my attempts to build the `dist/rivescript.js` for the web browser, I keep running into the following errors:

[email]rivescript@2.0.0[/email] dist /Users/jamiestorey/node_modules/rivescript
npm run buildnpm run webpacknpm run uglify

[email]rivescript@2.0.0[/email] build /Users/jamiestorey/node_modules/rivescript
babel src -d lib

babelcommand not found
npm ERR
npm ERR
syscall spawn
npm ERR
file sh
npm ERR
errno ENOENT
npm ERR
[email]rivescript@2.0.0[/email] build: `babel src -d lib`
npm ERRspawn ENOENT
npm ERR

npm ERRFailed at the [email]rivescript@2.0.0[/email] build script.
npm ERRThis is probably not a problem with npmThere is likely additional logging output above.
npm WARN Local package.json existsbut node_modules missingdid you mean to install?

npm ERRA complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/jamiestorey/.npm/_logs/2019-12-19T16_23_35_023Z-debug.log 

Has anyone else seen an issue like this? I am using a Mac terminal btw.


  [ # 1 ]

so it’s failing to find babel, but that should be installed as part of the dependencies.
did you do an `npm install` step first?
check what’s in package.json to see if its listed there too.
then I would probably post on aichaos github issues about this rather than here.


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