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Program-Y installation questions

Here is my BASH script to install Progam-Y


# Program Y prerequisites

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt
-get install python3
sudo apt
-get install python3-venv
sudo apt
-get install python3-pip
sudo apt
-get install git
sudo pip3 install programy
sudo python3 
-m programy.admin.tool install textblob
sudo cd 
sudo mkdir y
sudo cd y
sudo python3 
-m programy.admin.tool download y-bot
cd scripts

Are there any missing prerequisites in my BASH script?

Is there a tutorial to consult to uninstall Program-Y?

Didn’t there used to be a one liner install for Program-Y?

Can Program-Y be live streamed?

Thank you Keith!


  [ # 1 ]

Looks good, thats just the install instructions from the wiki so should be ok, are you having problems ?

Uninstall is just pip3 uninstall programy then remove the directories you created in /opt

Not sure what you mean by a one line installed, you can either a) pip install or b) clone the repo

All of this is included in the Wiki

What do you mean by ‘live streamed”? What do you want to stream, and where do you want to stream it from and to ?


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