Steve Worswick - Aug 10, 2011:
Me: what is seven take away three
Skynet: What is seven take away three = three.
Maybe worth walking before you can run?
Good point
You hit a bug. It’s funny because I tested that specific input late last week. It is picking up the second number and using it as an answer. It should also be handling CR’s:
Me: I had five apples but I sold four apples. How many apples do I have?
I guess that’s why they call it a beta.
I went back and forth on if I should put this version on-line before all the bugs were out. But my hope is the additional testing from showing it in public and getting feedback would make it worthwhile. I also thought some of you might be interested in looking at an unfinished version.
When you see:
you hit a bug.
Andy-Nice try, hope my test-critics helps!
It does help.
Skynet, is a “context free” bot by design. It has no taxonomy and has very few “reductions” (mostly to catch frequent txt speak and spelling errors).
Its response is based only on the input of the current line. When you enter “and my dog”, it is not interpreting that as a continuation of “how long is my cat”.
You can see later in the conversation:
USER:how long is my dog
AI: How long is your dog 2 meters long.
That Skynet has stored the data about your dog.
It does not do anaphoric solving (although I have tested a preliminary flavor with the new math features).
¿what the heck is this? also ‘ninty’ and ‘fourty’ seems to be bad-spelled!!
True, sometimes I leave spelling errors in the output on purpose, but these fell through by accident.
There is no common unit math implemented: should be done!
There is no memory on said data
Skynet has a command that converts from one unit to another as in:
convert two yards to feet
I will probably add unit solving, but I have held off to test a general conversational approach.
The memory system only stores data during the current session. I am looking at using some of the newer HTML5 capabilities to allow storage between sessions.
Skynet does not automatically extend the input with synonyms or antonyms. By design it also does not have a database of common lists (ie proper names). This is done to keep the footprint of the app small (the entire program and data is about 500k). I have been considering a hybrid app that allows big data files to be stored on the client side after downloading so that the user only feels the pain once. But, this comes later with the user save option.
This version also includes a new memory subsystem (which still has some bugs). Most of these bugs relate to cross platform issues. I am trying to have all the features in all the platforms. If I am able to work out those kinks, then I will be able to rapidly build more extensive memory based features.
So far some of the hardest work is enabling it to have a free flowing conversation while still picking out and solving math problems. As I mentioned before, the advanced math features started life as a technology test and now the trick is integration into the existing AI.