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Virtual agents / Chatbots
in United Kingdom

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - A-Z Letter a - United Kingdom

Expired A.B.I. a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent A.B.I. A.B.I responds in natural language to what you type. She is able to "learn" what to say by analysing her conversation logs and by direct question/answers with visitors. During a conversation A.B.I will decide if she enjoys chatting to someone or not and will acknowledge what she deems negative or positive input.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Abi Abi is an example of a complicated chatbot. She also has an existence in Second Life as the Avatar Abi Carver who acts as a greeter for Daden at their Second Life Office on Daden Prime.

Complicated chatbot avatars like Abi Carver can be programmed to follow your visitors or wander around your areas looking for visitors to engage with and learn from. They'll also use content from web searches to respond to queries and build replies. Daden can use the same engine to drive chatbots in multiple worlds, on the web, and even on mobiles.

Abi a chatbot / virtual assistant representing KMP interactive marketing and technology

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Abi Abi is KMP's interactive virtual assistant. Abi acts as a FAQ system to help customers with queries and provide relevant links to answer their questions.

about-talkigy a chatbot / virtual assistant representing talkigy

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent about-talkigy talkigy is intended for content rich applications, were you would like users to explore a deep and rich knowledgebase in the most natural way - by chatting.

Key to enabling content rich applications is making it easy for authors to re-use and contribute content quickly using spreadsheets to enter the content and with no need for specialist knowledge or programming skills.

The best way to understand what talkigy can do and what the objectives of the platform are, is to ask talkigy itself.

Ada a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Fido Intelligence

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ada Ada is a Virtual Assistant present on a Fido intelligence website dedicated to foreign contractors . The bot, speaking English, guides the Internet users through solutions provided by Fido intelligence and explains how they function. Ada, created based on Text intelligence technology, is the first bot that can move through the entire width of a website, rather than occurring only in a chat window. Additionally, this virtual assistant is equipped with several gadgets used during the chat with internet user.

Expired Adam a chatbot / virtual human

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Adam A stand alone program that runs under window XP, Vista and Windows 7. It uses a statistical method for it's answers. It has a spell engine to try to spot typos, a math engine for simple math questions. It has a basic short term memory which allows it to answer questions to facts it has just been told as well as a basic time and date system. There are a few additional capabilities put in for the Loebner competition.

Adam a chatbot / virtual agent representing Essex and Suffolk Water

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Adam Synthetix successfully launched its third Virtual Agent deployment into the Utilities sector for the organisation delivering water and sewage services within the south east of England, Essex & Suffolk Water.

Visitors to can click on "Ask us" and are greeted by one of several smartAgents (selected at random) who are there to answer queries twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The smartAgent has been implemented to improve the customer experience and reduce the routine inbound enquiries to the Essex & Suffolk Water contact centre and thus saving costs.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Aidan Aidan is a chatbot from 2015, It has a speech output and the start of a vision system. It can handle the Loebner protocol and I entered it in the 2015 Loebner years competition.

It has a general purpose database and so can answer factual and math type questions.
You can use the Microsoft speech system with it so you can talk to it.

contact me on if you want a copy

Alex a chatbot / virtual agent representing Lincolnshire County Council

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Alex Website visitors just type a question into the question box; the system then sifts through the vast amounts of data on the site looking for possible answers. Once an answer has been found it appears on the screen along with links to further information. It is hoped 'Ask Alex' will become the first port of call for people looking for answers, providing instant response and feedback and reducing the need to call the Customer Service Centre, providing a faster more responsive service and saving both time and money. New questions will continue to be added to further improve customer satisfaction. User input is vital, if a question is not being answered there is a facility which allows the user to submit the question for inclusion.

This new interface has allowed Lincolnshire to optimise their online content, by making the information more customer focused and easier to find, therefore creating a solution to both, online and offline customer service issues. At the moment the technology is only available on the 'I am a Parent' section of the Lincolnshire site, however in time it will be widened out to other areas, to further enhance service delivery. To see "Ask Alex" in action, please click here to visit the Parenting section of the Lincolnshire website.

Peter Barton, Head of Web and Information Services at Lincolnshire believes the Synthetix customer service technology gives them a solution to both their online and offline customer service issues;

"People like talking - or writing - to people. And that's how they see it. We anticipate this being a big win for our customer service.

Alice a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Alice Alice is a proof of concept of eCreation. This chatbot connects various data sources on the Internet like trains, weather and translations services. On top, Alice can have quite intellingent conversations.
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