NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
Dr. Wallace has completed second edition of Be Your Own Botmaster: The Step by Step Guide to Creating, Hosting and Selling your A. I. Chat Bot on Pandorabots. During 2004, Pandorabots has completely revised the look and feel of their web based interface, reorganizing many functions. In addition, Pandorabots introduced many new features not found in the legacy version of Pandorabots. Be Your Own Botmaster, 2nd Edition, covers all these changes in complete detail. Some other topics included in the 2nd edition, not found in the first book, include: Killer Apps of Bot Technology, A Brief Tutorial on AIML, More material on Oddcast and Sitepal, Media Semantics Avatars, Publishing your bot on MSN, IRC and with a Flash interface; Pandorabots API, Using Pandorabots with other AIML free software, Pandorabots Embrace and Extend and more Exercises.