NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
In the recent years, we have seen rapid adoption of dialog systems in commercial applications. They range from telephone-based services, in-car interactive systems, to online conversational service agents and talking characters in computer games. Openstandard platforms such as VoiceXML have been adopted by the industry, and become the driving force for the faster adoption of dialog applications.
The widespread dialog applications in industry setting pose challenge for researchers in both industrial and academic worlds. Progress from academic world has not benefited the real world applications to a satisfactory extent. The purpose of this one-day workshop is to provide a forum to bring industrial and academic researchers together to share their experiences and visions in the dialog technology development, and to identify topics that
are of interest to both camps.
There are total 13 papers accepted for resentation at this workshop, with 8 papers for long presentation and 5 for short presentation. These papers are almost evenly divided between the industry and academic communities. In addition, two panels on the related dialog topics have been arranged during the workshop, with distinguished panelists of various backgrounds from academic, industrial, and standardization communities.
We are pleased to the see some real convergence from both industry and academic side. While academic researchers are proposing and building practical dialog systems, industrial researchers are starting to implement sophisticated learning and uncertainty modeling into their system. The scope of this workshop papers ranges from advanced
dialog systems for technical support, multi-modal methods, to POMDP modeling, reinforcement learning and adaptable dialog architecture.