NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
IVA 2013 is an interdisciplinary annual conference and the main leading scientific forum for presenting research on modelling, developing and evaluating intelligent virtual agents with a focus on communicative abilities and social behaviour. In addition to presentations on theoretical issues, the conference encourages the showcasing of working applications. Researchers from the fields of human-human and human-robot interaction are also encouraged to share work with a relevance to intelligent virtual agents.
In 2013 the IVA conference will have a special theme on cognitive modelling in Virtual Agents: “Virtual Agents and Cognition”. This topic will touch on many aspects of Intelligent Virtual Agent theory and application. To name a few areas, we will especially encourage submissions that deal with IVAs and models of personality; theory of mind; learning and adaptation; motivation and goal-management; creativity; social and culturally-specific behaviour. Models must be explicitly related to IVAs but need not be implemented as yet. Application areas include social and culture training, heritage, entertainment and persuasive interaction. Issues include how systems relate to the original theory and how they can be evaluated.