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Summary: Dialectologia focuses on wide variety of dialectology fields.
Dialectologia is a peer-reviewed biannual journal that complies with the norms of the Spanish Foundation for the Science and the Technology (FECYT). The scope of the journal Dialectologia is to join the experiences of researchers working in different fields of Dialectology (linguistic variation, geolinguistics, methodology, synchronic and diachronic dialectal data, new technologies, social dialectology, etc).
Dialectologia has four main aims:
<li>to provide dialectologists from all over the world with a forum for the exchange of ideas and methods,</li>
<li>to create links between dialectology and more or less related disciplines,</li>
<li>to study language variation from different points of view,</li>
<li>to bring dialectology up-to-date by incorporating new techniques and modern theoretical approaches.</li>