NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
Summary: European Psychologist is a platform for communication, cooperation among psychologists in Europe and worldwide.
The European Psychologist, the English language voice of psychology in Europe, seeks to integrate across all specializations in psychology and to provide a general platform for communication and cooperation among psychologists throughout Europe and worldwide.
The European Psychologist:
<li>is a direct source of information regarding both applied and research psychology throughout Europe;</li>
<li>provides both reviews of specific fields and original papers of seminal importance;</li>
<li>integrates across subfields and provides easy access to essential state-of-the-art information in all areas within psychology;</li>
<li>provides a European perspective on many dimensions of new work being done elsewhere in psychology;</li>
<li>makes European psychology visible globally;</li>
<li>promotes scientific and professional cooperation among European psychologists;</li>
<li>develops the mutual contribution of psychological theory and practice.</li>