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Summary: Neurocase: The Neural Basis of Cognition focuses on neuropsychology, neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurology.
Neurocase: The Neural Basis of Cognition is a rapid response journal of both adult and child case studies in neuropsychology, neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurology. Four types of manuscript are considered for publication: single case investigations that bear directly on issues of relevance to theoretical issues or brain-behavior relationships; group studies of subjects with brain dysfunction that address issues relevant to the understanding of human cognition; reviews of important topics in the domains of neuropsychology, neuropsychiatry and behavioral neurology; and brief reports (up to 2500 words) that replicate previous reports dealing with issues of considerable significance. Of particular interest are investigations that include precise anatomical localization of lesions or neural activity via imaging or other techniques. Topic reviews are included in most issues.