NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
Summary: Samaru Journal of Information Studies covers issues related to information and communication technology.
The Samaru Journal of Information Studies addresses issues in the field of library science, information science and related fields including but not limited to, information and communication Technology (ICT) applications to effectively create, apply, and communicate knowledge in organization, public relations and other allied areas of information studies. The basic objectives of the journal are:
<li>to provide current thoughts and research reports on developments and trends in the areas of library and information science, academic, school, national and special librarianship.</li>
<li>to provide a platform for new thinking and directions on the problems, prospects strategies and techniques of library and information services and ICT applications in library, archive, publishing and information works.</li>
<li>to provide a forum for discussion of library and information science education and training, and future trends in information access and delivery.</li>