Dialogues with colorful personalities of early AI
Of all the legacies of the era of the sixties, three colorful, not to say garrulous, "personalities" that emerged from the early days of artificial intelligence research are worth mentioning:
-ELIZA, the Rogerian psychotherapist;
-PARRY, the paranoid; and (as part of a younger generation)
-RACTER, the "artificially insane" raconteur.
All three of these "characters" are natural language processing systems that can "converse" with human beings (or with one another) in English. That is, when presented with sentences in English as their input, they produce other grammatical sentences as their output, which sometimes manages to give the flavor of a conversation.
In this paper you will find examples of conversations that ELIZA, PARRY, and RACTER held with different persons, as well as one another, each in its own markedly different "style."