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Multi-national Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Virtual Assistant

Braina a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Brainasoft

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Braina Braina is an intelligent personal assistant software for Windows PC.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sol Sol is the archetypal virtual assistant joining artificial-solutions from the 23rd century. She and her fellow VA´s are here to help organizations cut the costs of meeting rising demand for customer service. They can understand and interpret the meaning and context of customer queries usinge-mail, live-chat, sms or social networks. They can learn reason and understand and apply this knowledge to real customer interactions. They can answer questions, point to information or resourses, log issues, book service calls, even complete transactions through back-end or e-commerce systems and update databases- at all the same time.

Sol shines through as she chats with visitors to the website. If you try to catch her out or upset her , she wont get grumpy, but mat well surprised with the ansear, An embassador for Artificial Solutions, Sol tirelessly 24 hours a day.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ariel Ariel es un prototipo de Asistente de Clase en habla hispana.

Él es capaz de interactuar con sus alumnos en lenguaje natural de su sitio en todo momento.

Por el momento, él tiene conocimientos relacionados a las Tecnologías de información y comunicaciones: ERP, CRM, BI, SCM, BPM entre otros.

Ariel puede compartir con sus estudiantes los principales conceptos de cada área, hace revisiones y hasta les da un examen de verdadero y falso para chequear los conocimientos sobre un tema.

Él utiliza el cerebro de Inteligencia Artificial de BotGenes más avanzado desarrollado, el BG200K, capaz de proporcionar respuestas a cientos de miles de expresiones en español.

Sophie a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Dutch Railways / Hispeed Alliance

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sophie Sophie is your personal virtual assistant on She answers all your questions about international train journeys and tickets.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Gina Gina is the virtual assistant of, where customers can order passes for train travel throughout Europe. The Eurail Group is owned by, represents and acts for the 30 European railway organisations that make up its membership. Gina is developed by The Selfservice Company.

Expired Wilma a chatbot / virtual assistant representing MSN

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wilma Chat with WiLMa, the Windows Live Messenger Assistant, and learn more about all the new features in Windows live Messenger and more. Add WiLMa to your contact list and get the inside scoop on what's hot with Messenger.

Kathy a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Polish Airlines LOT

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Kathy Kathy is a virtual stewardess on the website of Polish Airlines LOT. Kathy answers the customers questions and presents services and products offered by LOT.
Kathy is an interactive guide supported by state-of-the-art AI technologies, with a dedicated dynamic knowledge base of more than 2,000 question options in natural language. The dialog is promoting key information related to the company and air travel.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual Secretary Virtual secretary can manage your contacts (their emails, date of birth, addresses, phone numbers or any other type of information) : simply type in contact. Virtual secretary will warn you when it is the birthday of one of your contacts. You can also quickly send emails to your contact with the send mail command.

Louise Cypher a chatbot / virtual assistant representing EVIL Limited

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Louise Cypher Louise Cypher is a Virtual Assistant promoting the products and services of EVIL Limited. She is a member of the Cyber Workforce and she provides a simple demonstration of some of the capabilities of our EVIL Agents. EVIL in this context is short for, Electronic Virtual Intelligent Life. Evil Agents like Louise Cypher have Human / Cyber interfaces based on a simple AIML core with enhancements to enable integration with web services and in the case of our Multi Agent Systems, Goal Oriented Autonomic Cores for each Agent.

Expired Frank a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Artificial solutions

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Frank Frank is an interactive assistant. He purposes to help you with all questions you might have about Artificial Solutions, products and services.
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