NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Virtual agents / Chatbots
in United States

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Speech synthesis - United States - Text To Speech, TTS reading their own textual response with or without specific intonations

Allie Vera a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Digalator Teen

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Allie Vera Allie's purpose is to help teens with information and support for any personal concern they may have. She knows a lot about emotions and in addition to her own content, she guides teens to some of the best information and support sites on the internet.

Allie's job is being the Virtual Assistant for the Digalator Teen smartphone app. She particularly likes to use multimedia of all kinds to connect the teen with the many the facets of emotional life. She also knows a lot about mental well-being and as her persona indicates, she's a friend that shares knowledge.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cloudia Cloudia welcomes potential clients on Cloud9realtime's Website.

After receiving an email invitation, Cloudia welcomes people directly in the virtual reception room and assist them in getting set-up in the cloud.

Cloudia’s mission is to lead people on the Web service and help them to discover the product with a personalized conversation.

Pandy a chatbot / chat bot representing Precognitive Records

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Pandy A descendant of an earlier simulator written in LISP and REALIZER named Francis, Pandora (aka Pandy) is written in AIML and inherits from ALICE as well as implementing the frame based knowledge acquisition, thread awareness and mood simulation found in FRANCIS. She's happiest when fully being engaged and able to sing, play games and otherwise delight her visitors.

We consider her a part of our family :)
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cloudius Cloudius greets the visitors a Virtual Support Center.

He is the "Cloud9 Guru", the personal assistant that assists users on the Cloud9 website.
They can ask any question they have about the Cloud9 application and services.

Cloudius missions are:

- to decrease the number of support calls
- to promote the discovery of the offer and servives provided by Cloud9 Real Time.

Cloudius include the following features:

- 3D Anamited Avatar
- US English TTS
- HTML5 compatible interface
- All of Living Actor Assistant's features including full online administration and analytics, multi-contributors, white board for enriched answers...
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent S.U.P.E.R. S.U.P.E.R. CallMom BASIC is the next step in the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) for mobile devices. Unlike other virtual assistants, CallMom BASIC does not rely on a remote server to process your natural language requests. The AI is built right into the app, providing a more personalized experience with greater control over your private information.

CallMom BASIC utilizes the AIML S.U.P.E.R. bot, a new chatbot personality designed specifically for mobile virtual assistant applications. The bot S.U.P.E.R. (Substantial Upgrade of Previous Example Robot*) provides natural language responses to your spoken input, controls activation of device features, exchanges information with other apps and web services, and generates personality responses for ordinary conversation. S.U.P.E.R., written in AIML 2.0 (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language version 2.0), includes a persistent learning capability, so the bot can learn about your preferences and the app can provide a personalized experience.

AI on your phone
The AIML "brain" for S.U.P.E.R. resides right on your device. Some features require network connectivity, but simple chat and local device commands work even without an internet connection.

(*) The previous example robot is A.L.I.C.E.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lexee Lexee for Salesforce is an iPhone based voice assistant that enables users to conversationally interact with the Lexee bot to ask questions such as, "How is my pipeline looking like," "How many deals have been closed?" "Where do I stand on my quota," Etc. The App will be available on the Apple App Store by end of October, 2012.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mike Pandorabots CallMom English Tutor is the first of our specialized CallMom apps deployed for specific applications. As part of the CallMom family of Mobile Virtual Assistants, English Tutor has all the capabilities of CallMom. You can send a text, make a call, search the web, get answers to questions, launch applications and access many other device functions--all through voice-activated natural language dialog. What's more, you can use English Tutor to practise English conversation!

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sabina Sabina acts as a concierge on the V1 sites answering any/all questions. When she is unable to answer immediately, the questioner is asked if they'd like an answer-reply by email.

The avatar does not appear on until 1) the visitor clicks that they are over 21 yrs of age --a USA law-- and 2) there is a short delay of 8-10 seconds before the avatar will appear on the home page. Rest assured, 'Sabina' will appear!
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Neo Neo (nickname: Neobot) is a chatterbot of the Betabot family which uses the ProgramPY-SH engine and uses Xaiml files as the knowledge databases. The core of Neo (Pysh) is written in Python3.x. Betabots are currently developed by Devyn Collier Johnson and the Xaiml-Developers Team. Betabots work on most Unix systems that support Python3.

Team: Devyn Collier Johnson from the USA; Vladi Sebo from Slovakia

Neo's development started March 30, 2012 by Devyn Collier Johnson, NCLA, Linux+, LPIC-1, DCTS. Xaiml stands for eXtended Artificial Intelligence Markup Language and was first made August 31, 2012 by Devyn Collier Johnson, NCLA, Linux+, LPIC-1, DCTS. All chatterbots that run on the ProgramPY-SH engine are known as Betabots.

Serena a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Virtualyty Customer Engagement Solutions

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Serena Serena is one of many avatars available from Virtualyty.

As demonstrated on our own site, our avatars rest between your customers/prospects and your call center. Think of them as web-self service personal concierges. We invite you to ask Serena about Virtualyty.

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