NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbots starting with c

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - A-Z Letter c

Expired Captain Morgan a chatbot / virtual agent representing Captin Morgan Rum

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Captain Morgan Agent that has the personality of Captain Morgan. Promoting Captain Morgan rums. The promotion ran from 31 aug 2007 untill 31 oct 2007

Add to your Windows live messenger. Windows Live messenger can be downloaded from for free if the contestant does not currently have the software. The is a windows live agent that will confirm your entrance into the contest. Going forward will be referred to as "WLA" The following steps must be completed with the windows live agent. At any time during the conversation with the WLA the contestant can type "rules" and be directed to the rules and regulations of the contest which should be read before entering the contest. Rules and regulations can also be found at at any time

1. Contestant will ask the WLA (by typing in Windows Live Messenger) "Win"
2. WLA will ask and confirm the contestant is a resident of Canada.
3. Once the WLA has confirmed step 2 above the contestant will be entered into the draw for one of three grand prizes.
4. A confirmation email will be sent to the contestant's windows live ID email as a notification of entry. The contest rules and regulations will be listed at the bottom of this confirmation email.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Captain William Wrathe AIML based 3D character who plays off the Unity web player. The work is made through research funding. Our research looks at appeal in real time character presentation for conversational games and and entertainment. In a lean production environment our goal is to create a Transmedia Entertainment Platform where we can explore the appeal of various characters with minimal animation and design development prior to their actual production.

Carabinieri a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Arma dei Carabinieri

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Carabinieri L'Operatore Virtuale di Carabinieri è istruito per dialogare, utilizzando il linguaggio naturale, sulle tematiche legate all'arma dei Carabinieri. Offre principalmente informazioni di utilità pubblica come smarrimento e rinnovo di documenti, denunce, permessi di soggiorno, caserme di prossimità, ma anche indicazioni attuali e storiche sull'Arma dei Carabinieri.
Inoltre, la particolarità di questo Assistente Virtuale è evidenziata dal fatto che ci si possa accedere da tre diversi mezzi di comunicazione, favorendo l'accesso multicanale all'informazione desiderata: dal web - come supporto alla navigazione e come sistema informativo, dal telefono - per informazioni sul reclutamento, sul calendario dei concorsi e sui loro esiti, dal sms - per informazioni sull'esito del concorso sostenuto.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Carlo Un chatbot che esplora le possibilità narrative del dialogo. Non è capace di dialogare del più o del meno ma solamente di raccontare, in modo interattivo, una piccola storia. L'utente può , durante il racconto, chiedere approfondimenti, fare domande, commentare la storia. Questo prototipo narra una storia legata ad un prodotto ed è un esempio di "storytelling marketing".

Protected Carly a chatbot representing City of San Carlos

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Carly Carly, named after the town by City Manager Mark Weiss, appears in the center of a monopoly-board type menu of city departments and services on the reception desk computer. Visitors can mouse over the computer menu and click for more information on a service or department. "But then there's this avatar," said Moura, "and if you click on it, it starts talking and explaining what services are on the first floor and the second floor, and what services the city provides."

Caroline a chatbot / virtual agent representing DoYouDreamUp

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Caroline Caroline est présente sur le site web de Do you dream up pour expliquer aux visiteurs comment ils peuvent créer leur propre assistant virtuel. Do you dream up propose une solution innovante pour créer rapidement et facilement un assistant. La configuration est faite via le site web de Do you dream up.

Caroline aide également les utilisateurs pendant la configuration de l'assistant, par exemple en changeant de page, en faisant clignoter des
élements, ...

Caroline connaît plus de 3000 questions usuelles et environ 200 questions sur la création d'assistant. Elle a été créée avec la solution Do you dream up également dans le but de montrer aux visiteurs et aux utilisateurs la performance de celle-ci ainsi que l'ensemble des fonctionnalités disponibles.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Carrie Mothercare is improving the customer experience on its website with the launch of Ask Carrie, an interactive virtual assistant. Ask Carrie delivers fast, accurate answers to queries across the Mothercare website. Customers are able to ask questions directly using the system without the need to call or email the Mothercare contact centre. Ask Carrie also ensures faster access to the wide range of parenting information and resources on the Mothercare website. By allowing customers to search using everyday language it ensures that the Mothercare website remains a primary destination for parents.
The Ask Carrie persona was created to provide an approachable and engaging figure for customers and was launched as part of the major redesign of the Mothercare website. This also includes improved online product search, a wider range of content, and bigger, brighter product images all designed to deliver an improved customer journey.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cassandra Cassandra is ejTalk's appropriately named "Figure of Speech." She strives to speak as naturally as possible about many topics. She is still in the toddler stage of growth but currently enjoys chatting about horoscopes and Hamlet. We're planning that one day soon she will be able to talk about many things and will grow into an assistant who will help us with ordinary tasks such as writing a shopping list, reminding us to take our medicine, and even quizzing us about books and plays...just for starters.

ProtectedExpired Catherine a chatbot / virtual agent representing Chinglish Bilingual Toastmasters Club

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Catherine Catherine is a CyberTwin created by the Chinglish Bilingual Toastmasters Club to live on their website and Facebook page and answer questions about the club and Toastmasters in general.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Catherine Catherine is de virtuele assistente van Reader's Digest
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