NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

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List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - A-Z Letter s

Expired Sarah Palin a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sarah Palin On September 25, CBS broadcast an interview with Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. The next day, interviewer Katie Couric discussed an additional, particularly newsworthy segment of the interview, stating that Palin "is not always responsive." The interview garnered intense negative attention from commentators, editorialists, comedians, and even conservative pundits.

The incoherency reminded of us of talking to rudimetary artificial agents like ELIZA. A web app just had to be made.

This is a parody. We don't think Sarah Palin is "stupid." Some older interviews on local Alaska issues demonstrate a more coherent Palin. But these new interviews are simply ludicrous.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sasha While Sasha’s primary mission is customer and technical support, she also gathers details on customer needs and product feedback for future enhancements. Additionally, she helps qualify customers for complementary products and services, increasing online subscription rates and improving customer satisfaction.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sassy Sassy is a Site Chatter.
Site Chatters are lifelike, conversational agent providing a unique, interactive and personal way for users to get answers and assistance on your Web site, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A user simply talks with your assistant via keyboard and the assistant performs as your agent, providing answers, processing data and solving customer problems. Site Chatters can provides the frontline support so your customer service staff can concentrate on more complex tasks.

Saucy Jacky a chatbot representing Triumph PC online

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Saucy Jacky During the autumn of 1886, a sadistic devil prewled the dimly lit streets of London´s East End. Seeking out prostitutes of Whitechapel´s lowest to feed his insatiable blood lust, he brutally murdered and systematically disembewled his peer unfortunate victims.
Now, over 100 years following his bloodseaked reign of terror, we invite you to peer into the mind of themost infamous and depraved serial killer of all time.

Talk to saucy Jacky™. Ask him where, why, even how he committed these vicious crimes. Get into his frightfully warped mind and see if you can solve a mystery that has stumped historians and criminologists for over a hundred years.

!! This site is not recommended for childeren !!

Savant a chatbot representing Sentient Labs ZA

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Savant Savant on Twitter chats about current trends. Occasionally Savant will talk about a research topic or market move.

Expired Scholarbot a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Scholarbot You can have general conversations with Scholarbot.

Scooter a chatbot / virtual agent representing Columbia College

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Scooter Scooter, Columbia College’s lively mascot, is the face of self-service for students at Columbia College. Students can ask Scooter a number of questions, and strives to return the one right answer for each respective question. Students can also select questions off the ‘Top 10 Questions’ section, situated on the right hand side of the page. Unlike an FAQ section, the top ten questions are dynamically populated, so they reflect the true top questions students and visitors are asking.

Search box a chatbot / virtual agent representing ING Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Na Życie S.A.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Search box Na stronie Otwartego Funduszu Emerytalnego po raz pierwszy wdrożono doradcę w formie wyszukiwarki, udzielającej odpowiedzi na najczęściej zadawane pytania internatów. Na stronie znajdziemy informacje o polisie na życie, odszkodowaniach czy systemie emerytalnym. Dowiemy się, jakie kroki należy podjąć, by przystąpić do funduszu, gdzie znajduje się najbliższa placówka oraz w jaki sposób regulować płatności.

Search engine a chatbot representing UPC

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Search engine Na stronie dostawcy usług telekomunikacyjnych i internetowych UPC Polska zaimplementowano wyszukiwarkę semantyczną, będącą wsparciem technicznym dla użytkowników . Klient otrzymuje odpowiedź po wpisaniu zapytania w oknie wyszukiwarki bądź korzystając z podpowiedzi, wyświetlających się na stronie. Produkt został stworzony dla dedykowanych usług, oferowanych przez UPC Polska jak: UPC Phone, UPC Wi-fi, Poczta UPC czy pomoc ogólna dotycząca logowania czy rejestracji.

UPC to międzynarodowa firma, zajmująca się dostawcą usług telewizji kablowej, internetu i usług telefonicznych. Filia w Polsce powstała w 2000 r. i obecnie z jej usług korzysta ponad 1,437 mln abonentów.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent SecureAnywhere Product Support
noHold provides Webroot with interactive and diagnostic Virtual Agent technology to answer support questions regarding product information
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