NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
Jetty van Kooij on 15 years ago in Agent's perception of humans, Gesture recognition, Business News | by
Summary: Walky robot controlled by Iphone gestures: finger swipes, taps and presses
This comprehensive robot control interface relies solely on finger swipes, taps, and presses.
Watch Video:
Erwin van Lun on 15 years ago in news, News | by
Summary: has identified 49 professional chatbot/virtual agent developers. Including profiles and hyperlinks!
Did you ever search for an overview of chatbot/virtual agent developers? Most likely, it was very hard to find. Well, we are happy to announce that from now on, life will be easier! has identified 49 professional chatbot developers all over the world. Most of them develop automated chat systems for virtual agents in call centers, however many developers are also developing chatbots for entertainment, learning, or companionship. Below, you will find a summary of our initial results in alphabetical order.
This page is a snapshot of our database listing Nov 18th 2009, our dynamic directory of professional chatbot/ virtual developers is maintained continuously and contains hyperlinks to developers’ websites.
Read more about: 49 professional Chatbot/Virtual agent developers
Erwin van Lun on 15 years ago in news, News | by
Summary: AI4US: Artificial Intelligence 4 US Ltd., from now on the legal person for
AI4US Ltd. is from now on legal person for Its name AI4US is an acronym of ‘Artificial Intelligence for us’, its mission is to support the use of Artificial Intelligence in people’s daily lives.
It’s registered at the English Company House, Company No. 7045061. All shares are owned by Lun Holding Ltd. (registered Company No. 7051180), which is fully owned by Dutch futurist Erwin Van Lun (that’s me ; - )).
Reasons to choose an Ltd. instead of the Dutch equivalent ‘BV’ (Besloten Vennootschap) is its international appeal, a legal worldwide known entity, and recognition as a legal person in all EU member states (directive 68/151/EEC of the Council of the European Communities).
Read more about: AI4US: Artificial Intelligence 4 US Ltd., our legal person
Erwin van Lun on 15 years ago in Business, Mergers & acquisitions, Business News | by
Summary: Voxeo Acquires IMified!
Erwin van Lun on 15 years ago in Agent's perception of humans, Text recognition, Business News | by
Summary: Virtual Chat for Remedy® (VCR),an animated 3D service desk agent, or virtual agent Artificical Intelligence
My-eService, a provider of knowledge management and self-service software, announced it is officially launching its new product Virtual Chat for Remedy at the WWRUG Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada on November 9, 2009.
“Virtual Chat for Remedy® (VCR) includes an animated 3D service desk agent, or virtual agent that utilizes Artificial Intelligence and integrates with existing knowledge repositories to provide quick resolve for self service users’ issues,” says Russ Tolley, VP of Business Development at my-eService. “The virtual agent uses a friendly, natural conversation engine to work with the self help user to resolve their problem. If the virtual agent can’t resolve the issue, the self service user is routed based on the issue type to the correct live chat agent. Open or closed chat sessions can be automatically turned into incidents or service requests, contributing to a seamless, ITIL best practices approach to IT Service Management.”
Sine Mens on 15 years ago in Agent's perception of humans, Text recognition, Business News | by
Summary: BotGenes created the BG200K "Spanish NLP Brain", capable to handle more than 200.000 Spanish expressions
BotGenes created the BG200K “Spanish NLP Brain”, capable to handle more than 200.000 Spanish expressions including regionalisms, common typos, orthographical and grammatical mistakes.
Erwin van Lun on 15 years, 1 month ago in Award News | by
Summary: Automated Negotiating Agents Competition (ANAC) From Negotiation Please, check for the most recent update of thi
The Automated Negotiating Agents Competition (ANAC) advances the development of intelligent agents with autonomous negotiation skills. The competition will be held in spring 2010, with the finals being run during the AAMAS 2010 conference. The reward for the winner of the competition is €1500.
Read more about: Win 1500 Euro with the Automated Negotiating Agents Competition (ANAC)
Erwin van Lun on 15 years, 1 month ago in news, News | by
Summary: 64 elements to model full body natural conversations between humans and chatbots, robots or humanoids
How to model natural full-body conversations between humans and chatbots, agents or humanoids? What elements are important from the very first moment a conversation seems to start until a real almost intimate relationship has been built (or it’s time to say goodbye)?
At, we’re extremely interested in these elements as we’re trying to structure current and future parts of this website based on those elements. Therefore, we’ve worked quite extentisvely on this model althought it’s still a draft. Read the 9 main stages below, download the full PDF(Human Agent Model Elements) and you’re invited to leave your comments and suggestions!
Read more about: 64 Elements to model human-agent interaction