We’ve stumbled upon Anna and Adam, virtual agents (chatbots or virtual assistants if you prefer) of Polish company Inpost. Both Anna and Adam can be undressed if you know the codes! In fact, for non-Polish speaking people, it would come across as a code; for Polish natives it’s about answering questions about Inpost’s new service called paczkomat. They learn by interacting with Anna or Adam. In most cultures, this kind of practice would be highly unusual for established brands like InPost. Note that Inpost is not a silly new web startup: They are the first company in Poland offering postal services throughout the country via its own units, represented in 200 cities of Poland via 800 Customer Service Points. Inpost is part of the Integer.pl group which is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Anna was developed by a large virtual agent developer in Poland named Stanusch Technologies. Wanna undress Anna or Adam yourself or checkout the video? Click below for the codes.Ever realized that not only humans are culturally bounded, but virtual agents as well? Practices that are completely accepted in some cultures would totally be rejected by other cultures. Even when they are part of so-called viral campaigns, which tend to be a little bit shocking. However, at Chatbots.org we believe learning starts with openness and sharing. So be prepared!
First, you will have to visit the following website:
http://paczkomaty.pl/faq,7.html and enter the code: *paczkomatxxx69*.
She will ask you:
Widzę, że znasz tajny kod. Najpierw powiedz mi czy masz ukończone 18lat?
Tak, Nie (You have to choose *Tak*)
I see that you know the secret code! First, tell me whether you have completed 18 years? Yes, No
Chcesz żebym się rozebrała? Znajdź na stronie InPost informacje o paczkomatach i przekonaj mnie, że wiesz o nich wszystko…
Przez ile dni w tygodniu możesz odbierać paczki z paczkomatu?
Do you want me to get undressed? Find information about ‘paczkomaty’ on website and convince me that you know all about them…
How many days a week you can receive a package from a ‘paczkomat’?
Your answer is: *7*
Pierwszy punkt dla Ciebie! Widzę, że się czegoś dowiedziałeś, za dobrze wykonane zadanie miła nagroda…
Chcesz więcej? To powiedz mi jaka jest maksymalna waga paczki, którą można wysłać paczkomatem?
Point for you! I see, you learned something, so I have a nice prize for you…
Do you want more? Tell me, what is the maximum weight of a package that may be posted by ‘paczkomat’?
Your answer is: *12*
Imponujesz mi! Wiedziałam, że trafiłam na świetnego gracza!
Gramy dalej? Czy wiesz, jak poinformujemy Cię, że paczka czeka w paczkomacie?
You impress me! I knew that I met a great player!
You want more? Do you know, how we inform you that the package is in the ‘paczkomat’?
Your answer: *sms*
Brawo! Już sobie pewnie wyobrażasz jak wyglądam bez koszuli?
Chcesz zobaczyć więcej… odpowiedz przez ile godzin na dobę otwarty jest paczkomat?
Bravo! You must imagine now, how do I look without a shirt?
You want to see more…answer, how many hours per day a ‘paczkomat’ is open?
Your answer: *24*
Dokładnie o to chodziło! ale jeszcze się z Tobą pobawię:)
Powiedz mi, jaka jest maksymalna długość paczki o gabarycie C, którą możesz wysłać przez paczkomat?
Exactly what I meant, but I want to play with you a little more
Tell me, what is the maximum package lenght of gabarit C in a ‘paczkomat’?
Your answer: *640mm*
Super, w nagrodę koszula na ziemi! To jeszcze nie koniec zabawy, postaraj się bardziej…
Powiedz jaka jest cena za paczkę o gabarycie A?
Great! The prize is a shirt on the ground! It’s not the end, try more…
Tell, what is the price per pack of gabarit A?
Your answer: *6,99*
Jesteś najlepszy! Zaproś do zabawy znajomego, wpisując jego adres e-mail.
You are the best! Invite your friend to play, entering his e-mail address.
To lazy to try? Here’s the video with the beginning of the conversation:
If you would like to undress Adam, use the same codes in the same
sequence, but just before starting conversation click “Porozmawiaj z Adamem” (“Chat with Adam”).