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Commercial Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Commercial

Tim a chatbot representing Timing

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Tim In 2007 maakten we de eerste chatbot voor Timing genaamd Tim.

In 2016 was het tijd voor een nieuwe website en ook voor een nieuwe en verbeterde versie van de chatbot. Deze nieuwe chatbot help bezoekers op de website met het vinden van een baan in een door hun aangegeven vakgebied en in de juiste regio.

*Timing maakt sinds 2013 ook gebruik van een intranet chatbot voor eigen personeel. Zij kunnen met behulp van de chatbot formulieren zoeken en werk gerelateerde vragen stellen.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Neomy Neomy tells you when are the best moments to send money abroad, thanks to smart exchange rate notifications

BeauCo a chatbot representing Shiseido

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent BeauCo Shiseido is one of the oldest cosmetics companies in the world. Despite being steeped in history, innovation has always been at the heart of the business and Shiseido is using Teneo to develop a closer relationship with its younger customer base with the “Beau-co” beauty app. Beau-co customers can converse with the app about all manner of beauty related topics such as how to apply eye make-up, as well as specific Shiseido products. Beau-co delivers the experience in a lively and engaging way to its younger customer base, who predominately use smartphones.
Shiseido recognized that a conversational aspect would give them the desired interaction and provide a wealth of information about their customer base, but building and delivering such an app in Japanese was a challenge. Not only are words and phrases built complexly, but users frequently insert non-Japanese characters if using a text input. Teneo was the only natural language technology capable of delivering this human-like, intelligent experience in Japanese.

bot a chatbot representing Kindred

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent bot Kindred have over 13,000,000 customers, and developed a speech-enabled app to help them place bets easily and more quickly. Kindred streams over 30,000 live events a year, and the Teneo solution offers in-game betting, allowing users to use conversational, natural language – even colloquial terms and club nicknames – to place bets of any type at any time. The app will disambiguate where, for example, there are more than one team with similar names, or multiple games scheduled for the same week. 94% of app users have rated it as innovative. Kindred chose Teneo for its ability to handle conversational inputs, as well as the ease with which the same solution can be deployed across multiple channels, using the same knowledge, offering a consistent and uniform easy betting experience.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Amy / Andrew Amy and Andrew Ingram are autonomous AI assistants who schedule meetings with people inside or outside your organisation. You have to connect them to your calendar and update your preferences, then all you have to do is include them in conversations in mail or Slack.
There are three pricing schedules: $ 17/month for an individual, $ 39/month per user in a team (including analytics) and $ 59 per user in an enterprise (including security protocols, custom analytics and reporting).
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Kip Kip is a chatbot that helps you save time by doing all the shopping for you and your team. Just tell the bot what you’re looking for, and Kip will find and buy it for you.

Buying for a large team? Easy! Add Kip to group channel and use @Kip to find items that everyone needs and get it for your team in a single click. No more collecting individual orders, and copy-pasting results.

Message Kip directly for personal shopping. Compare products by price and reviews, refine your item choices and find the perfect match to what you are looking for.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent MonCompteFormation Mon Compte Formation est le site officiel du compte personnel de formation du service public. Le chat automatique est utilisé pour accompagner les employés et professionnels pour toutes leurs questions relatives à leurs droits, les formations éligibles, les démarches à effectuer, etc.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Cati L’Agence Nationale des Fréquences utilise l'assistant virtuel Cati de Do You Dream Up pour accompagner les français pour le passage à la TNT HD. L'agent virtuel et une FAQ partagent la même base de connaissances pour répondre aux questions des utilisateurs.

Search engine a chatbot representing UPC

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Search engine Na stronie dostawcy usług telekomunikacyjnych i internetowych UPC Polska zaimplementowano wyszukiwarkę semantyczną, będącą wsparciem technicznym dla użytkowników . Klient otrzymuje odpowiedź po wpisaniu zapytania w oknie wyszukiwarki bądź korzystając z podpowiedzi, wyświetlających się na stronie. Produkt został stworzony dla dedykowanych usług, oferowanych przez UPC Polska jak: UPC Phone, UPC Wi-fi, Poczta UPC czy pomoc ogólna dotycząca logowania czy rejestracji.

UPC to międzynarodowa firma, zajmująca się dostawcą usług telewizji kablowej, internetu i usług telefonicznych. Filia w Polsce powstała w 2000 r. i obecnie z jej usług korzysta ponad 1,437 mln abonentów.

Lies a chatbot representing Alphabet Private Lease

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lies Lies is een chatbot op de website van Alphabet Private Lease. Ze beantwoordt lease gerichte vragen en leidt de bezoeker door de website door aan de hand van de conversatie specifieke pagina's te openen.
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