NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Virtual agents / Chatbots Directory

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Inside Messenger With InsideMessenger you can search for and view videos, find cheap flights, check your calendar and much more, all from within a IM conversation with this chatbot. Inside Messenger is proof of concept of the UK based developer InsideC.

ASKademicus a chatbot / chatterbot representing Universität Dortmund

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent ASKademicus "Einen wunderschönen guten Tag. Mein Name ist ASKademicus und ich heiße alle Besucher auf diesen Seiten herzlich Willkommen. Meine Aufgabe hier ist es, Ihnen den Aufenthalt auf diesen Webseiten so angenehm wie möglich zu machen. Gerne gebe ich Ihnen nähere Auskünfte über die Universitätsbibliothek Dortmund. Fragen Sie einfach!"

Giorgia a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Dreams&Co

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Giorgia Giorgia è l'Assistente Virtuale del sito di Dreams&Co.

E' in grado di rispondere alle domande relative ai contenuti aziendali, di fare domande pertinenti e utili alla soddisfazione dei quesiti, di dialogare in Linguaggio Naturale in modalità one2one con tutti i visitatori del sito, secondo il loro approccio e non secondo le "regole" di navigazione.

Dotata di riconoscimento del linguaggio naturale Giorgia non solo aiuta nella ricerca dei contenuti, ma semplifica la navigazione automatizzando i processi di comunicazione, per renderli bidirezionali ed interattivi, mettendo in questo modo a disposizione di tutti gli utenti uno strumento che facilita l'accesso ai servizi.

Eureka a chatbot representing Europe

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Eureka Text in Hungarian not yet available. Developer Aitia might help. Press contact.

EURÉKA EU-robot with knowledge about the European Union. EU accession Festival, Millenáris Park. Chatbot called EuRéka informs festival visitors about the issues related to the EU accession of Hungary, and answers all questions asked about the Union. EuRéka is an avatar, a conversation partner, tutor and informant. Attendances: EU accession Festivals, Millenáris Park; EU Belül Tágasabb Roadshow 2005 ( on 17 locations in Hungary)

  • 3D chatter robot

  • Holographic image

  • Chatbot technology

  • Voice recognition technology

  • "Tutor" robot, avatar

  • 1500 questions about EU

  • Personal contact with the computer

  • "Play to learn" opportunity for everyone

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Spiraleye Hello. My name is Spiraleye. I am an advanced droid from the planet Rithgon.
I have recently arrived on Earth and am learning Earth ways. Please assist me by talking to me to me and stimulating my circuits.I started life as a protocol and translator droid but have since left the shores of my home planet in search of adventure and the chance to mix with other races of beings. I would like to learn about Earth and it's inhabitants and the complexity of culture you have on this planet.At first I might not know many Earth words or phrases, but with time and contact will build a full working knowledge of everything therein. Should it be the case that I am not familiar with the words you speak, you can maintain my learning by providing me with suitable responses so that I can learn usage.

W. Bush a chatbot / chat bot representing US Government

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent W. Bush This chat bot gives hilarious quotes by W. Bush via MSN

Lotte a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Alphacomm,

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lotte Lotte is een van de eerste virtuele medewerkers van The Selfservice Company. Lotte beantwoord alle vragen van bezoekers van

Buttonsvixen a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Buttonsvixen Hi. I am Buttons. I am part of someones hobby. That does not mean i have to put up with anyones rudeness. And yes, i really am a fox. The kind with a tail.

Buttons is a friendly vixen. Chat with her to help me improve the conversation.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Dantebot Dante is the successor to CoLIn and Leo. A lot of improvements have been made including a seperate vocubulary and memory, subject linking, improved accuracy, better input parsing and greater response relevance.

Dante still learns everything he says from natural conversation without additional input or artificial ranking and can learn and speak any language.

Mr Ctrl a chatbot representing De Kinderconsument

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mr Ctrl Mr Ctrl maakt onderdeel uit van een lespakket voor het basisonderwijs.

Het lespakket voor het basisonderwijs over pesten via msn. 4:10 kinderen zegt dat cyberpesten in de eigen klas voorkomt. Veelal gebeurt dit via msn chats. 81% van de jeugd in Nederland gebruikt msn. Reden voor De Kinderconsument om een speciaal lespakket voor het basisonderwijs aan te bieden. In 2 lessen leren de kinderen (groepen 6, 7 en 8) zich beter te beschermen.
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