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Virtual agents / Chatbots Directory

A.V. Banca Online a chatbot representing Bankinter

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent A.V. Banca Online El Asistente Virtual de Bankinter Empresas ayuda a los usuarios a resolver sus dudas utilizando el lenguaje natural.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ewa Ewa to Wirtualny Doradca międzynarodowej firmy telekomunikacyjnej Orange, dedykowany dla użytkowników na rynku polskim. Wiedza Wirtualnego Doradcy składa się z dwóch obszernych baz zawierających ok 1500 zagadnień. W zależności od potrzeby Wirtualnemu Doradcy można zadać pytania dotyczące telefonii i Internetu mobilnego oraz stacjonarnego.

Ewa wyjaśnia wątpliwości klientów związane z fakturami, tłumacząc jak sprawdzić konto oraz saldo rozmów. Wirtualna Asystentka informuje ponadto, co należy zrobić podczas awarii, jak doładować konto, zna także cenniki usług oraz promocji oferowanych przez firmę. Doradca na stronie wzbogacony jest także w podstawowe dane na temat firmy, takie jak: adres, ważne telefony

Wincent a chatbot / virtual agent representing University of Economic in Katowice

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wincent Wirtualny Doradca Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach został utworzony na potrzebę portalu Inżynieria Wiedzy. Strona poświęcona jest inżynierii wiedzy, budowaniu sieci semantycznej, bazom wiedzy oraz ontologii. Wincenty chętnie udziela odpowiedzi na tematy związane z utworzonym portalem. Zna odpowiedzi na takie pytania jak: Co to jest wiedza? Co to jest ontologia? Jakie są systemy organizujące wiedzę? Czym jest chatterbot?
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Phoebe Photobox, the leading European online photo servicing company, have chosen to work with SelfService Company, as a best in class Virtual Assistant provider, to further improve their multiple award winning website. Renowned for innovation and superb customer service, Photobox wanted to ensure that their customers had an online guide to provide immediate help for enquiries. Working with their RightNow knowledge base Phoebe is the first point of contact for all online product and service related queries.

Zen a chatbot representing AI-Systems

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Zen Zen is an experimental javascript chatbot, the intention is to have her be the mascot for the whole site, all enquiries and functions of the site will be carried out through her.

There is also a new version at that is built around a custom web server.

Ana a chatbot / virtual agent representing Copa Airlines

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ana Ask Ana ensures that the online customer experience delivered by Copa Airlines is both enjoyable and rewarding, enabling customers and visitors to to type in a question using everyday natural language.

Users get a single, accurate and approved answer to their questions, the very first time, along with a short list of helpful, related questions. Users also have the ability to view a dynamic list of the top ten questions based on previous question patterns.

Protected Emma a chatbot representing Forma Dis

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Emma Depuis mai 2012, Emma assiste les élèves des écoles du groupe Forma Dis, comme Cours Minerve ou l'EMWeb. Elle tient un rôle de conseiller et de support en ce qui concerne les inscriptions, le suivis des cursus et les autres demandes de renseignements.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent PeTE The PeTE, a truly helpful Virtual Assistant for the newly developed AT&T corporation.

The PTE at AT&T provides business customers exclusive access to sample code, APIs, SDKs and technical documentation for building mobile productivity solutions for enterprises of all sizes.

PeTE from is helping customers with intent - recognition search and customer - engagement triggers. It has like a cool avatar too - The Parrot.

Jim a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Saferwholesale

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jim Jim is a Virtual Assistant in the leading Chicago - based store with sport equip. deals. When the team is sleeping or busy, he collects the leads. When the team is behind their desks, Jim is helping shoppers with their selections. He is using the C2C - click to call feature, escalating conversation to call center
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sabina Sabina acts as a concierge on the V1 sites answering any/all questions. When she is unable to answer immediately, the questioner is asked if they'd like an answer-reply by email.

The avatar does not appear on until 1) the visitor clicks that they are over 21 yrs of age --a USA law-- and 2) there is a short delay of 8-10 seconds before the avatar will appear on the home page. Rest assured, 'Sabina' will appear!
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