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Virtual agents / Chatbots Directory

Expired Annoying Orange a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Annoying Orange Acting upon instructions from R/GA London a chatbot was developed for Nokia. The chatbot, called The Annoying Orange, can be accessed through different mobile applications. The Annoying Orange is a popular character on Youtube. Nokia uses this character as a chatbot to promote the Instant Messaging services for mobile devices. Badges can be earned by chatting with the chatbot. When a user obtains a badge, he has the possiblity to share the information on Facebook. The Annoying Orange chatbot chatbot is accessible via Gtalk, Ovi chat, Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo Messenger
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent FAQ Agent Wirtualny Agent FAQ stanowi interaktywną pomoc dla użytkowników serwisu Freeconet. Prowadzi on użytkowników po stronie i rozwiązuje ich problemy, tym samym zwiększając sprzedaż oraz obniżając koszty obsługi klienta. Dodatkowe cechy, takie jak przetwarzanie języka naturalnego czy auto-uzupełnianie czynią Agenta FAQ przydatnym, wydajnym narzędziem.

Expired Susan a chatbot / virtual agent representing Whommunity

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Susan Virtual Agent Susan answers the questions of the users of the Whommunity website. It introduces new members and help them benefit from joining Whommunity. The powerful search engine and auto-complete features make talking to this Virtual Agent a satisfying, value-adding experience.

Darcy a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Leeds Metropolitan University

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Darcy Leeds Metropolitan University re-launched its international student portal and put Synthetix technology at the core. Potential new students from all over the world have been engaging with one of three characters who show them around University and answer questions about life as an international student, not only at Leeds but also the United Kingdom. The deployment is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, crucial when dealing with enquiries from any time zone.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wirtualna Asystentka Jest to kolejne rozwiązanie wprowadzone przez InteliWISE. Zadaniem agenta jest obsługa odwiedzających stronę i mających pytania dotyczące zawartości strony i dywidend wypłacanych przez Polską Spółkę Cukrową.

Expired Julie a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Decathlon

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Julie .

Floor a chatbot representing HTM

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Floor De HTM (Haagsche Tram Maatschappij) heeft de virtuele medewerker Floor ingezet op de website als aanvulling op de reeds bestaande reisinformatiemiddelen. Via een persoonlijke chat geeft Floor reisadviezen en beantwoord ze vragen. Bezoekers hoeven zo niet meer zelf op zoek te gaan naar de juiste pagina. Indien gewenst wordt het advies ook per mail verstuurd.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Online Support Online Support via Facebook is aVirtual Agent implementation for Viewsonic, a leading provider in displays and projectors. Online Support is an expert in all things Viewsonic, including set-up instructions, and troubleshooting, and is accessible through the Viewsonic Facebook page.

Insurance Help System a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Bank of Scotland Insurance

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Insurance Help System This Online Assistant answers questions for website visitors about Bank of Scotland's Home Insurance. The system is launched from the search box on the Home Insurance page.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Insurance Help System This non-avatar Online Assistant answers questions for website visitors about Halifax's Home Insurance. The system is launched from the search box on the Home Insurance page.
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