NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Picture Chatbots

C.S. Lewis a chatbot representing CyberKins

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent C.S. Lewis Get a better understanding of how Christianity can be influential to the reasoning of an atheist in a discussion with one of the most honored defenders of the faith, C.S. Lewis.

poppy-cat a chatbot / virtual agent representing talkigy

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent poppy-cat Poppy is intended to be a fun way to try out the talkigy chat platform. talkigy is intended for content rich applications, were you would like users to explore a deep and rich knowledgebase in the most natural way - by chatting.

Key to enabling content rich applications is making it easy for authors to re-use and contribute content quickly using spreadsheets to enter the content and with no need for specialist knowledge or programming skills.

Poppy is one example of the platform. More examples can be found at

Joanne a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Joanne Joanne is available on the IRAS (Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore) to assist users with individual tax related queries. This is Creative Virtual's first V-Person™ to be deployed in Singapore and has been implemented through partnership with Virtuariod.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Iris Iris is de virtuele medewerker van Yourhosting. Ze beantwoordt al je vragen over domeinnamen, e-mail, hosting en websites. Daarnaast helpt ze je navigeren door de website via links in haar antwoorden. Je vindt haar op de supportpagina van onze website.

Jess a chatbot representing Plusnet

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jess Plusnet, one of the leading broadband, phone and super fast broadband service providers in the UK, already known for their award winning service, are working with SelfService Company to further enhance the online customer experience. Jess can be found in the help pages where she answers support questions about Plusnet’s services, such as phone, e-mail and broadband queries. In addition to enhancing the online experience Jess will also provide customer contact efficiencies.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Semanticizer @semanticizer reads your tweet and returns the most 'common' Wikipedia concept/page it detects. @semanticizer is powered by a public webservice to extract known concepts from raw text, which is being developed at the Intelligent Systems Lab Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam).
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Sabine Sabine is 24 uur per dag en 7 dagen per week te vinden op de website van de Nederlandse bank NIBC Direct om vragen te beantwoorden over hun producten en diensten. Sabine is Creative Virtual's eerste Nederlands sprekende V-Person™ systeem. Je kan haar iets vragen door aan de rechterkant van de pagina bij "Hoe kunnen wij uw helpen?" jouw vraag te typen.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Iris Iris is de virtuele medewerkster van ANWB. ANWB leden kunnen 24 uur per dag bij haar terecht met vragen over Verzekeringen, Wegenwacht en Lidmaatschap. Iris is de online gids voor de leden van de ANWB op hun reis over de website. Ze helpt de leden om hun weg te vinden naar de ingelogde omgevingen ‘Mijn ANWB’ & ‘Mijn Verzekeringen’ om online alles te regelen.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Vera Vera is de virtuele medewerker van Randstad. Randstad is wereldwijd een van de grootste bedrijven in de uitzendbranche. Vera helpt op de eerste plaats met het inloggen op de portal 'Mijn Randstad'.
Nadat de gebruiker is ingelogd helpt Vera onder andere met:
het indienen van loonbriefjes
ziek melden
aanbieden van vactures
vakantiedagen aanvragen

Amanda a chatbot representing Anglian Water

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Amanda Amanda is the virtual assistant for Anglian Water, the largest water and waste water company in England and Wales by geographical area. Keen to drive operational efficiencies, but also to provide great service, Anglian Water have introduced Amanda to their website to help their customers by answering questions about their water supply, payment options, special tariffs and more. She also helps users determine the correct course of action in the case of leaks and shortages. On top of that, she offers helpful navigational support on the website. Anglian Water have also utilised our own Live Chat product to ensure that enquiries that are best dealt with by their contact centre staff have an easy seamless escalation when someone is available to handle the enquiry.
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