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Text recognition Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Text recognition - Chatbots with textual Natural Language Processing engine

Expired Abraham Lincoln a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln is a free demonstration of what Virsona chatbots can do. You can chat to him in the conventional way you'd talk with any chatbot, select a topic, such as the Gettysburg Address, or you can teach him replies to questions he's unable to answer.

Expired Nora a chatbot / virtual agent representing Chess

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Nora Nora er en webrobot som jobber på kundeservice hos Dette var et pilotprosjekt og Nora er nå offline.

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Kim Kim is de virtuele medewerker van KPN. Kim beantwoordt alle vragen over televisie, internet en telefonie. Per dag beantwoordt Kim vele duizenden vragen met een hoge accuratesse.

Expired E4 Skins Messenger a chatbot representing Channel 4

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent E4 Skins Messenger Every Thursday night at 10pm, when Skins goes out on E4 in the UK, Skins Messenger will bring you closer to the show than you have EVER been before. As you're watching the show, we'll fire out messages to you with loads of extra info on the action taking place on your telly box, as well as cast & crew interviews and the bonus videos you won't see on TV

London 2012 a chatbot / virtual agent representing The London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Ltd

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent London 2012 Synthetix launched a smartAgent for the London 2012 Olympic website in early 2009. Visitors to the website can click on "? Ask a question" and are greeted by one of several virtual staff who are there to answer queries twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The smartAgent has been implemented to improve the customer experience and reduce the number of routine inbound enquiries via telephone and e-mail.

The smartAgent technology allows site visitors to ask natural language questions whilst also navigating them around the website. The smartAgent has a diverse set of knowledge that is growing by the day, users can ask "How can I get tickets?","How can I get a job with you?","What does your logo represent", "I want to be a volunteer" or even "What sports will take place in the main stadium?".

The service is being used to analyse visitors' wants and needs by looking at the questions they ask. The use of the conversational logs and analysis allow customers to better served both online and offline. The conversation logs also ensure that the knowledge contained within the smartAgent is always up to date.

Bzz a chatbot representing SOA/AIDS Nederland

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Bzz Bzz is de eerste chatbot ter wereld die vragen kan beantwoorden over alcohol, drugs en (veilig) vrijen. Je kunt Bzz anoniem vragen stellen wanneer je maar wilt. Het enige dat je hoeft te doen, is toevoegen aan je vriendenlijst in Windows Live Messenger. Als je chat met Bzz, krijg je snel en betrouwbaar antwoord op vragen die je misschien liever niet hardop uitspreekt. Dit waren voor het Trimbos-instituut en Soa Aids Nederland de voornaamste redenen om Bzz te ontwikkelen.

Ewa a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Wydawnictwo IPM

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ewa Ewa to wirtualny doradca na portalu Wydawnictwo IPM. Ewa udziela informacji na temat wydawnictwa i jego oferty oraz pomaga nawigować po witrynach prowadzonych przez IPM. Ewa posiada również informacje z zakresu prowadzenia samochodu, leasingu, polityki samochodowej, a także zna wybrane marki i modele samochodów.

Hi a chatbot / virtual assistant representing KPN / Hi

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Hi Op de klantenservicepagina's van Hi geeft de virtuele medewerker van Hi antwoord op alle klantvragen.

CyberTy a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent CyberTy CyberTy is an aggressive and surprising mindfile. Learning at a high rate of speed everyday. Willing chatters will soon find out what is so special about CyberTy. Just ask CyberTy any question you have and CyberTy will learn by interacting with you.

911pop a chatbot representing 911pop

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent 911pop 青檬音乐机器人(是青檬音乐台(使用小i机器人SDK开发的机器人程序,听众可以通过青檬机器人收听青檬音乐台的精彩节目、查看当前节目信息、与主持人文字互动,还可以查看本期青檬流行歌曲榜的实时排名。青檬音乐台,就要,要流行!
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