NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Text recognition Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Text recognition - Chatbots with textual Natural Language Processing engine
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual Assistant Aviva’s V-Person™ helps users with questions about Motor, Home and Travel insurance. Besides being found on these pages, the virtual assistant has also been deployed on the Car Quote form and can be launched by users logged into the Self Service area. The use of Site Context allows for content to be restricted to keep the user from being drawn out of a specific content group before an application or sale is completed.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent ESL Robot - English Tutor Mike "English Tutor" is developed to help English learners practice their English. It won 2011 Loebner Prize Junior Contest.

ProtectedExpired Phyllis a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Phillips

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Phyllis Hi, I'm here to help you find information on our website and the online support we have for your product.

Please enter your model number in the box above or you may drill down to your model number using the drop down box on the right.

ProtectedExpired Maggie a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Magnavox

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Maggie Hi, I'm here to help you find information on our website and the online support we have for your product.

Please enter your model number in the box above or you may drill down to your model number using the drop down box on the right.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ally De gemeente Almere maakt al een aantal jaar gebruik van virtuele medewerkster Ally om de vragen van burgers te beantwoorden. Sinds juli 2011 beantwoordt Ally ook vragen van bezoekers, ondernemers en studenten op Door een combinatie van antwoorden, veelgestelde vragen en zoekresultaten geeft Ally antwoord op allerlei vragen.
Op de gemeentewebsite brengt Ally de verschillende online mogelijkheden onder de aandacht. Bijvoorbeeld het aanvragen vergunningen of het ophalen van grofvuil. In het Digitaal Loket stimuleert zij het gebruik van de online mogelijkheden door direct de juiste pagina met formulier te pushen. Veelgestelde vragen zijn per pagina ingericht in de taal van de burger. Dit om het aanvraagproces van het betreffende product begrijpelijk te maken.

yellowpages a chatbot representing Yellow Pages

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent yellowpages Find what you're looking for at your fingertips using the IM Search Agent. Just add [email][/email] to your Windows Live Messenger!

Kate Carver a chatbot representing Grimsby Telegraph

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Kate Carver A virtual newsreader is the newest recruit to the web-site of the Grimsby Telegraph. Developed by Virtual Character consultants, Daden Limited, the talking avatar reports current news stories for newspaper's online edition.

Called "Kate", the assistant is based on "chatbot" technology created by Daden Limited. Kate takes advantage of latest web-delivered text-to speech and animated avatar technology to report on the most recent headlines and breaking news at Grimsby Telegraph's web site.

Protected Carly a chatbot representing City of San Carlos

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Carly Carly, named after the town by City Manager Mark Weiss, appears in the center of a monopoly-board type menu of city departments and services on the reception desk computer. Visitors can mouse over the computer menu and click for more information on a service or department. "But then there's this avatar," said Moura, "and if you click on it, it starts talking and explaining what services are on the first floor and the second floor, and what services the city provides."

Expired Mia a chatbot / virtual assistant representing Kongsvinger Municipality

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Mia Mia er en virtuell agent som jobber på Kongsvinger kommunes hjemmeside. Hun assisterer servicetorget og gir svar på spørsmål om barnehage, helse og skole. Hun har også generell informasjon om Kongsvinger kommune, som shopping, kino, bibliotek, teater, campingmuligheter, etc. Hvis hun selv ikke klarer å svare på et spørsmål så tilbyr hun brukeren å bli satt over til en kundekonsulent via chat.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Maud Virtuele medewerker Maud beantwoordt alle vragen over de reisverzekeringen van Allianz Global Assistance.
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