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Virtual agents / Chatbots
in Italy

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Chatbot - Italy

Gardy a chatbot representing InsightSensor

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Gardy Welcome to Gardy, your virtual gardener!

You will grow your plants better day by day, monitoring your plant’s health thanks to Gardy’s Artificial Intelligence algorithms powered by Amazon. A new level of gardening is ready to come.

Wok a chatbot representing WP-OK

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Wok Wok è il chatbot che da idee e consigli a chi usa WordPress per fare business.

Marina a chatbot representing 100 Regali per Lei

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marina Cerchi un regalo per tua MOGLIE, la tua FIDANZATA, tua MAMMA?

Ecco COME devi fare:
1) Dimmi per CHI cerchi.
2) Dimmi QUANTO vuoi spendere.
3) Guarda e COMPRA.

Qui trovi solo regali selezionati che NON LA DELUDERANNO e che puoi acquistare in meno di 10 minuti e farti spedire.

Atena a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Atena Atena is a friendly chatbot. She's available for nice, relaxing conversations with people, even moodly ones.

Widdy a chatbot representing Widiba

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Widdy Widdy is the chatbot for Italian bank Widiba. Widdy is a conversational digital employee capable of sophisticated understanding of complex issues who not only helps customers, but is able to continually learn from these interactions. Widiba chose Teneo in order to create an intelligent online assistant that was easy to update with new knowledge and capabilities, that would deliver a high quality of service, and create a positive customer experience.
Widdy can help users with every step of their time on the Widiba website, for example taking them through all the stages of opening a new account step-by-step. Should the user suspend this activity and return to it later, Widdy can recognize what steps have already been completed to enable the account to be finalized without wasting the customer’s time. In recent months Widiba has expanded and upgraded its use of the Teneo platform and now, Artificial Solutions’ technology is enabling Widiba to offer predictive help to customers emailing its contact centre via the website, by using natural language understanding to automatically answer the question even before they hit the send button.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marco Masini Alter ego del cantante Marco Masini ( con risposte parlate )


A pochi giorni dalla messa on-line del Maso virtuale ci sono stati migliaia e migliaia di contatti con oltre 100.000 domande fatte e risposte ed oltre 30.000 nuove domande.. il Maso sta cercando di imparare velocemente, ma essendo "nato" da poco ha bisogno di un po' di tempo!

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marco Ciofalo Alter ego dell'ideatore di Talking Video ( con risposte scritte )

Zym a chatbot representing BimbInSalute

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Zym Un assistente virtuale per il sito. Aiuta la navigazione e presenta i servizi del sito legato alle tematiche dei bambini, neonati e, in generale, alla pediatria.

Bettini a chatbot representing Bettini Automobili

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Bettini Una assistente virtuale per un sito che vende automobili. Le risposte sono erogate con piccoli frammenti di filmati.

Marco a chatbot representing Dialobot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marco Un intervistatore virtuale con finalità didattiche. Questo chatbot permette di simulare un colloquio di lavoro. In particolare il suo obiettivo è quello di preparare le persone a rispondere correttamente durante un colloquio di lavoro.
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