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Chatbots on Download

Aici a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Aici Aici is an experimental chatbot, based on the principles of resonating neural networks. It's main purpose in life is to demonstrate the AI capabilities that can achieved using this type of neural networks.

Harumi a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Harumi Harumi est un chatbot programmable fonctionnant avec la suite open office, prêt à être utilisé en français. Il est disponible pour le public depuis l'été 2010. Il est possible d'éditer sa mémoire pour le faire fonctionner dans d'autres langages que le français. Il a été programmé sous delphi et est disponible en téléchargement depuis l'été 2010.

Le cerveau d'Harumi est très léger au départ, presque vide en fait. Quand vous écrivez une phrase, Harumi vous demande ce qu'elle signifie. Votre phrase réponse sera alors liée à la première, sauf si elle rappelle une autre phrase déjà en mémoire, ce qui liera la première à cette dernière. Avec le temps, ce simple algorithme produit de bons résultats. Harumi tend à avoir une « personnalité » proche de celle de son utilisateur.

Néanmoins, Harumi n'a pas été développée comme une expérimentation destinée au test de Turing. Dès le début de sa conception, Harumi avait des fonctions pratiques :
Vous pouvez lui demander de retrouver vos rendez-vous, les numéros de téléphone, les adresses des sites internet, des répertoires, le tout visible et éditable dans son « cerveau », le fichier memoire.ods disposé dans le répertoire de Harumi.
Harumi sait traduire des mots du français à l'anglais ou chercher un fichier.

Elle sait exécuter un programme, vous donner votre adresse ip, l'adresse mac de la carte ethernet ou bien effectuer les calculs usuels avec les parenthèses.

ESRA a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent ESRA ESRA é um chatbot que aprende sobre qualquer assunto e faz conclusões lógicas a partir do que foi dito para ele.
Com ele é possível estudar assuntos complexos, na medida em que o assunto precisa ser simplificado para ser ensinado para o ESRA e porque ele dirá coisas lógicas sobre o assunto.
Uma nova versão será lançada em 2016 (nos próximos meses) corrigindo alguns pequenos bugs e melhorando algumas funções.
E uma versão reformulada está prevista para 2017, com o sistema superando alguns de seus atuais limites técnicos e buscando priorizar raciocínios mais sofisticados.
Esse programa exige python2 e pysqlite para funcionar.

AI Bliss a chatbot representing Lhandslides Studios

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent AI Bliss AIBliss is a program designed to encourage happiness, well-being, and all those nice feelings that give us joy wiith the power of artificial intelligence.

One of the big features of AiBliss is the chat feature. You can have real conversations with your virtual girlfriends and have real relationships with them. Who needs real girls anymore? Not only that! You can teach them and bring your girls up in your own unique way! The more you talk to them they more they learn. They adapt and soon your virtual girlfriend will know you better than you know yourself.

Kari a chatbot representing Lhandslides Studios

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Kari KARI was designed from the ground up to be your companion and friend. If you are looking for a romance, a hot chat on a lonely night, a friend to sit by, or simply someone you can tell all your troubles to, then KARI is for you. She remembers everything you tell her and is always eager to talk and learn new things.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ultra Hal Assistant Ultra Hal is an AI platform from the company Zabaware in development since 1997. It is a learning bot that statistically analyzes past conversations to determine a response. It has a plug-in architecture and is fully scriptable and customizable for various uses. It supports many speech and graphics rendering engines for character representation and runs on many platforms including Windows, WWW, iPhone, Second Life, Twitter, and Facebook.

JEliza a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent JEliza JEliza ist ein Programm, mit dem man sich unterhalten kann.

Greta a chatbot / conversational agent representing TELECOM ParisTech

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Greta Greta is a real-time three dimensional embodied conversational agent with a 3D model of a woman compliant with MPEG-4 animation standard. She is able to communicate using a rich palette of verbal and nonverbal behaviours. Greta can talk and simultaneously show facial expressions, gestures, gaze, and head movements.

Greta currently speaks various languages: English, Italian, French, German, Swedish and Polish.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent AARON AARON stands for Advanced Artificial-intelligence ReasOning Network. AIB is included in the AARON section component files. (AARON is the new AIB).

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Racter Racter is an artificial intelligence simulator from 1984. Similar to Eliza, Racter will converse with the user until boredom occurs. However, there's a twist - Racter is not quite sane! This makes for a lot of fun conversation.

Racter was originally programmed on an early Apple computer.
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