NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbots on Live Messenger

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Live Messenger
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Alice Alice to wirtualna kumpela, posługująca się kilkoma językami, odpowiadająca na Twoje pytania począwszy od pogody, informacji o korkach w ruchu komunikacyjnym,a skończywszy na tłumaczeniu znaczenia słów czy udzielaniu informacji o rozkładzie jazdy pociągów. Możesz jej zlecić wykonanie skomplikowanych obliczeń lub zapytać o zagadnienie z zakresu wiedzy encyklopedycznej. Ponadto, Alice uwielbia opowiadać dowcipy i grać w gry.

MyFashionableLife a chatbot representing Clean & Clear

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent MyFashionableLife This chatbot gives you beauty and fashion advice.

Here are some questions you can ask this bot:

* How do I choose lip liner?
* How do I fix a bad hair day in a cinch?

* What are some common hair-care myths?

* How do I remove makeup quickly?

Expired Ougle a chatbot / chat bot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ougle A general chat bot, you can chat about anything you would like to.

Expired Doriana a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Doriana Il chatbot è una parodia di Doretta della Microsoft, offre intrattenimento scherzoso e leggermente volgare. Offre anche un sito ( e un blog di riferimento (, anch'essi parodia di Doretta.

Muse a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Muse If you don't remember Muse, she was made by Windows Live to help spark some interests into doing what Live Spaces is really more about : Blogging. She's suppose to give you some ideas to help you get jumpstarted on blogging. She looks very similar to a Where's Waldo character. She has a 2-post blog. She's kind of died off though, but her WLM bot still exists. She'll help you get some ideas with the Though of the Day, and you can even make a blog post in the activity pane.

Add, to your Messenger contact list. Muse is the latest bot built on the platform Microsoft acquired from Colloquis last fall. In addition to thoughts to post about, which are generated from the Muse thought of the day, or a quick conversation with Muse, you can post your blog posting directly out of Windows Live Messenger experience via the Muse Activity Applcation to your space thought the Muse agent.

Expired LilyPanda a chatbot representing GoPets

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent LilyPanda Now you can also play GoPets through Windows Live Messenger while talking to your friends! Windows Live Messenger user also get access to a special pet not available to anybody else - the panda!.

Lily Panda wants to play GoPets with you! Say hi and accept her Activity invitation.

Expired MovieScout a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent MovieScout MovieScout helps you find shows, theatres and show times near you. As soon as you start the dialog it will ask your zip code and then it will show a menu where you can find show times and movies.

Koen a chatbot representing VGZ

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Koen Koen beantwoordt vragen over veilig vrijen, gezondheid, sporten, voeding en over verzekeren. Je kunt ook leuke testjes met Koen doen zoals de koffiequiz in of de veilig vrijentest. Ook maakt Koen gebruik van het zogenaamde activity window.

Talktofrank a chatbot representing TalkToFrank

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Talktofrank The Talk to FRANK Bot is a fully automated Windows Live Agent designed to give young people information on drugs from content supplied by FRANK, the national drug information and advice service. Information.

ProtectedExpired FriendBot a chatbot / chatterbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent FriendBot FriendBot is a Chatterbot-a piece of complex programming, deigned to try and falsify Artificial Intelligence. It can chat on AIM, ICM and online.

* Multilingual-Speaks English, Spanish, French and German

* Supported on AIM, ICQ and Through the Web

* Fast, Free and Fun! (The Three Fs)

* Smilies Supported

* Available 24 7!

* Available To Anyone!

* Access From Any Country World Wide!

* Easy To Use

* Keywords Feature

* Free Support
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