NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Chatbot Directory

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ramona 4.1 Ramona 4.1 is an audiovisual chatbot avatar. This version adds new knowledge sources, including one with Wikipedia-like knowledge and another that enhances Ramona’s whimsicality, along with an improved interface, forming Ramona’s updated unique personality.

Ramona is capable of synthesized speech and changeable accents. Her personality can also be adjusted to make her less or more nerdy or whimsical by typing “Nerdiness” or “Whimsicality” plus a level between 0 and 99 (e.g., “Nerdiness 87″).

Users can hear her speak in 14 international accents, ranging from Baltimore to Bangalore. Users can also converse with previous versions of Ramona.

Expired Annoying Orange a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Annoying Orange Acting upon instructions from R/GA London a chatbot was developed for Nokia. The chatbot, called The Annoying Orange, can be accessed through different mobile applications. The Annoying Orange is a popular character on Youtube. Nokia uses this character as a chatbot to promote the Instant Messaging services for mobile devices. Badges can be earned by chatting with the chatbot. When a user obtains a badge, he has the possiblity to share the information on Facebook. The Annoying Orange chatbot chatbot is accessible via Gtalk, Ovi chat, Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo Messenger

Floor a chatbot representing HTM

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Floor De HTM (Haagsche Tram Maatschappij) heeft de virtuele medewerker Floor ingezet op de website als aanvulling op de reeds bestaande reisinformatiemiddelen. Via een persoonlijke chat geeft Floor reisadviezen en beantwoord ze vragen. Bezoekers hoeven zo niet meer zelf op zoek te gaan naar de juiste pagina. Indien gewenst wordt het advies ook per mail verstuurd.

Zoe a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Zoe Zoe was a contestant in the 2011 Loebner Contest. She is an AIML-only bot hosted by Pandorabots.

Unai a chatbot representing Basque Country university - Universidad del Pais Vasco

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Unai Unai es el Asistente Virtual de la Universisad del Pais Vasco. Su objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes con información sobre pruebas de acceso, preinscripción, matrícula de primer curso, becas y ayudas al estudio.

Debido a que es un Asistente Virtual de 5ª generación, es capaz de entender el lenguaje natural, expresar emociones o incluso procesar frases ambiguas. También puede establecer un diálogo social y corregir errores gramaticales.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtual Assistant Social
Website The search engine at, the Canadian participative portal with information about companies worldwide,helps users find the information they need using natural language.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Bieber Buddy The chatbot Bieber Buddy is launched to promote Justin Bieber’s “My World Tour” in Australia. To win tickets to his concert, the Bieber Buddy possesses a daily codeword that he will only reveal for half an hour each day. Users who have added the Bieber Buddy to their Windows Live Messenger friendlist receive a notification when the daily codeword is available on weekdays between the hours of 4pm and 7pm. They address the chatbot asking: "What is today's codeword?" The chatbot will also provide a link to the competition entry page. It is also possible to enter the competition by uploading a 30 second videoclip.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Diet Chat For anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle, this application is a fun way to monitor what you eat and drink. Eaton is your nutrition buddy. Whenever you have doubts about your diet, you can talk to him. Not only can he tell you which foods to avoid - and why - he can also offer useful tips for healthier living. Never boring and always attentive, Eaton is available to chat 24/7.

Lifeguard a chatbot representing Wereld Natuur Fonds

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lifeguard Voor het Wereld Natuur Fonds (WNF) is een chatbot widget ontwikkeld in open social, die is ingezet op het sociale media platform Hyves. De chatbot, Lifeguard genaamd, zorgt voor meer naamsbekendheid en verkoop binnen de doelgroep. Gebruikers kunnen de widget toevoegen aan hun profiel om aan te tonen dat ze het WNF steunen. De chatbot kan een gewoon gesprek aan gaan met de gebruiker. Veranderingen aan de kennis worden aangebracht via het gebruiksvriendelijke Knowledge Management Systeem. Dit systeem geeft ook informatie over het aantal conversaties, berichten, gesprekken per dag en unieke gebruikers.

Ewa a chatbot representing Enea

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Ewa ENEA to jedna z największych firm branży energetycznej w Polsce, której dążeniem jest rozwój i poszerzenie zasięgu odbiorców swoich usług. Aby osiągnąć ten cel koncern zażyczył sobie aby w czasie trwania targów Enex 2011 częścią ich stoiska był chatbot. Informował on zainteresowanych na temat ofert firmy, dawał porady oraz zachęcał do proekologicznego podejścia do korzystania z zasobów energetycznych. Zwiedzający mogli porozmawiać z chatbotem używając ekranu dotykowago lub klawiatury, mając do dyspozycji wyświetlone menu z 5 głównymi tematami.
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