NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Virtual Agent Directory

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Virtual Agent

Alex a chatbot / virtual agent representing Lincolnshire County Council

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Alex Website visitors just type a question into the question box; the system then sifts through the vast amounts of data on the site looking for possible answers. Once an answer has been found it appears on the screen along with links to further information. It is hoped 'Ask Alex' will become the first port of call for people looking for answers, providing instant response and feedback and reducing the need to call the Customer Service Centre, providing a faster more responsive service and saving both time and money. New questions will continue to be added to further improve customer satisfaction. User input is vital, if a question is not being answered there is a facility which allows the user to submit the question for inclusion.

This new interface has allowed Lincolnshire to optimise their online content, by making the information more customer focused and easier to find, therefore creating a solution to both, online and offline customer service issues. At the moment the technology is only available on the 'I am a Parent' section of the Lincolnshire site, however in time it will be widened out to other areas, to further enhance service delivery. To see "Ask Alex" in action, please click here to visit the Parenting section of the Lincolnshire website.

Peter Barton, Head of Web and Information Services at Lincolnshire believes the Synthetix customer service technology gives them a solution to both their online and offline customer service issues;

"People like talking - or writing - to people. And that's how they see it. We anticipate this being a big win for our customer service.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Claire Claire est l'Agent Virtuel Intelligent de support de l'éditeur de logiciel professionnels Ciel! La clientèle de Ciel étant constituée de professionnels, Claire est le premier agent conversationnel B2B en Europe! Claire permet au service clientèle de Ciel! d'étendre sa couverture le soir et le week-end. C'est un succès : 20% des conversations ont lieu le week-end et 30% le soir ou la nuit, hors des horaires d'ouverture du standard téléphonique.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Somos Messenger Siempre Es una agente de información sobre el servicio móvil de Windows Live Messenger. Su principal función es guiar a los usuarios en el proceso de registración del servicio, y aclarar consultas en relación al uso de Messenger vía SMS, para que los usuario puedan chatear con sus contactos desde sus teléfono móviles. El motor posee un lenguaje localizado para interpretar y resolver las inquietudes según la región donde se aplique. Actualmente se encuentra funcionando para Argentina, Chile, Colombia y Venezuela.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Artificial Intelligence
Assistant This Virtual Agent is available 24/7 on Alienware's website to answer questions about products and services.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent RoboCoke RoboCoke a virtuális ügynöke. Menő buli és koncert ajánlatai vannak egész Magyarországra, képben van a legpörgősebb zenékkel a music store-ból, és információkat ad a nyereményjátékokban aktuálisan elérhető nyereményekről. Hogy még izgalmasabb legyen, még zenekvízt is játszatsz vele, vagy el tudja mondani a buli horoszkópod az estére. Ha a használata közben esetleg nehézségekbe ütköznél, akkor ott van, hogy segítsgen. Annyit kell tenned, hogy megkéredezed.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Penny Penny, Verizon’s payroll support agent, answers questions on the internal Verizon Payroll site and is very popular with employees. Surveys rate her performance at 40+ percent call avoidance.

Asli a chatbot / virtual agent representing Johnson&Johnson

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Asli Tüketiciyle özel bir iletişim gerektiren o.b. markası için genç kızlara yönelik, bilgilendirici bir sohbet botu. ve sitelerinde görev yapan uygulama, yapılan reklam çalışmasının da desteğiyle sitenin ziyaretçi sayısını 31 katına çıkararak başarılı oldu.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Customer Support Agent The Verizon Business V-Person™ is located within the secure log-in area of the site and is personalized for the user. The avatar is based on a photo of a current Verizon employee.

Andrea a chatbot / virtual agent representing Travelodge

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Andrea Customers with questions and queries can click on 'Help' on the homepage or input their questions directly to the page at other points on the site and are greeted by the smartAgent. Andrea has been designed to talk to thousands of people every week, answering their queries and navigating them around the website. The conversational, natural language interface provides straight answers to straight questions. Andrea is answering queries about Travelodge venues and has a wealth of knowledge, from hotel directions to in-room facilities.

Travelodge have full access to the analytics service and can see all the questions that visitors to the website have. This allows them to make sure that Andrea is always updated to answer any new queries that may arise. It also provides detailed management reports to monitor the success of the smartAgent.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Jenny Jenny, an animated avatar created to be a likeness of an actual call centre agent, provides help on the Virgin Media website for existing customers and potential new customers. The Creative Virtual team created this V-Person™ with Site Context in order to offer reliable information for both National and Cable Broadband customers.
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