NEWS: Chatbots.org survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..
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English description:
The "Virtual Service-Assistant for Citizens" combines the advantages of the existing services and creates an additional communication channel for citizens - a virtual assistant implemented as a chatbot that answers common questions about Berlin’s authorities and their services. This relieves the service-center-agents and enables the citizens at the same time to resolve their questions in a dialog also outside the office hours.
German description:
The virtual assistant allows asking questions in natural language. It analyzes the requests and gives concrete answers instead of referring to long texts. Like a service-center-agent the virtual assistant guides the citizens through all aspects of the service and location descriptions. It consults and points out important details. The virtual assistant asks questions whenever a query is unclear or ambiguous. Altogether, a natural conversation with the dialog system is enabled, that imitates a personal contact with a service-center-agent. Over time, the virtual assistant becomes more intelligent by learning from past user behavior.
Der virtuelle Assistent ist ein internet-basiertes Dialogsystem, das Fragen zu Bürgerservices der Berliner Verwaltung in Form eines Chats beantwortet. Den "Behördenchat" entwickelten das IT-Dienstleistungszentrum Berlin und das DAI-Labor der TU Berlin gemeinsam mit dem Land Berlin.
Der virtuelle Bürger-Service-Assistent stellt einen zusätzlichen Kanal dar, um jederzeit schnell und komfortabel Antworten zu vom Land Berlin angebotenen Dienstleistungen zu finden. Der Assistent greift auf die umfangreiche Wissensbasis des Service-Portals zurück und simuliert Dialoge mit einem Mitarbeiter des Bürgertelefons 115. Durch Nachfragen kann der virtuelle Bürger-Service-Assistent zudem gezielt auf das Anliegen des Nutzers eingehen. Additional comments by developer DAI-Labor @ TUB : The Virtual Assistant is a powerful service bot providing detailed answers for all questions related to Berlin's administrative services. The large knowledge base, the context-adaptive question handling, and the integration in the Berlin's service portal make the chatbot unique. Unfortunately the bot can only handle questions in German. |