NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Knowledge management Chatbots

List of all chatbots (virtual assistants, chat bot, conversational agents, virtual agents) in the World - Knowledge management - To acquire information from employees through natural language interaction
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Medicare and Social Security
Answer Have questions on Medicare, Social Security, or retirement? Get your questions answered at Retitery.

Akancha a chatbot representing Akancha Against Harassment

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Akancha AkanchaAgainstHarassment is a blog run by Akancha Srivastava, as a safe space for internet users to fight against online harassment. The Akancha chatbot powered by Haptik is a 24/7 service that aims to serve users seeking help through a more personalised, approachable chat-based interface. Questions about cyber safety, how to approach the police, basic rights, Indian laws & more are answered by the bot which is trained to accept requests for help and has been designed to have a comforting, empathetic personality. It’s a platform to give voice to victims who should stand up & speak up. And more than anything, it’s Haptik’s contribution to the noble cause.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Virtueller
Bürger-Service-Assistent Der virtuelle Assistent ist ein internet-basiertes Dialogsystem, das Fragen zu Bürgerservices der Berliner Verwaltung in Form eines Chats beantwortet. Den "Behördenchat" entwickelten das IT-Dienstleistungszentrum Berlin und das DAI-Labor der TU Berlin gemeinsam mit dem Land Berlin.
Der virtuelle Bürger-Service-Assistent stellt einen zusätzlichen Kanal dar, um jederzeit schnell und komfortabel Antworten zu vom Land Berlin angebotenen Dienstleistungen zu finden. Der Assistent greift auf die umfangreiche Wissensbasis des Service-Portals zurück und simuliert Dialoge mit einem Mitarbeiter des Bürgertelefons 115. Durch Nachfragen kann der virtuelle Bürger-Service-Assistent zudem gezielt auf das Anliegen des Nutzers eingehen.

Protected Siba a chatbot representing Sirvisetti Systems

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Siba All-in-One Intelligent Bot for Business. Conversable from any frontend like Slack, Facebook etc. Skilled in many backends like Salesforce, QuickBooks, Oracle ERP etc.

Lies a chatbot representing Alphabet Private Lease

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lies Lies is een chatbot op de website van Alphabet Private Lease. Ze beantwoordt lease gerichte vragen en leidt de bezoeker door de website door aan de hand van de conversatie specifieke pagina's te openen.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Basia ING Bank Śląski SA to bank, będący częścią międzynarodowej grupy ING Group, znajdujący się na pierwszym miejscu w Polsce pod względem wartości aktywów. Wychodząc naprzeciw oczekiwaniom klientów i pracowników, instytucja postanowiła uruchomić nowatorskie rozwiązanie Holohostessy. Basia posiadała rozległą wiedzę o banku, jego produktach i ofercie. Informowała klientów o pożyczkach, kredytach, podawała dane kontaktowe, a także udzielała porad w sprawie wyboru ubezpieczeń, konta czy karty bankowej.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Julia “Julia” ist die virtuelle Beraterin, die seit November 2013 die Kunden des Supportbereichs von Kabel Deutschland begrüßt. Umgesetzt haben wir dieses Projekt gemeinsam mit 3m5. IT Business Services.

Die loopbaren Streams starten immer, wenn jemand die Servicefunktion des Portals benutzt ergänzend zur schriftlichen Hilfestellung.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Iris Iris is de virtuele medewerkster van ANWB. ANWB leden kunnen 24 uur per dag bij haar terecht met vragen over Verzekeringen, Wegenwacht en Lidmaatschap. Iris is de online gids voor de leden van de ANWB op hun reis over de website. Ze helpt de leden om hun weg te vinden naar de ingelogde omgevingen ‘Mijn ANWB’ & ‘Mijn Verzekeringen’ om online alles te regelen.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Lexee Lexee for Salesforce is an iPhone based voice assistant that enables users to conversationally interact with the Lexee bot to ask questions such as, "How is my pipeline looking like," "How many deals have been closed?" "Where do I stand on my quota," Etc. The App will be available on the Apple App Store by end of October, 2012.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Servicebot-3 Sou um robô desenvolvido para virtualização do atendimento, promovendo melhoria no nível de satisfação dos usuários, aumento da acessibilidade dos serviços de atendimento, padronização na prestação de serviços, também sou capaz de desenvolver dialogos inteligentes, onde posso realizar consultas, atualizar, validar e gravar dados em sistemas externos, executar transações e tomar decisões.
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