NEWS: survey on 3000 US and UK consumers shows it is time for chatbot integration in customer service!read more..

Picture Chatbots

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent The Fred Whitton The Fred Whitton Challenge consists of a 112 mile charity sportive around the Lake District.

The Fred Whitton Challenge chatbot assists the event organisers in answering ride enquiries and reduce the amount of time they take in answering routine questions on their facebook messenger page.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marketeer Marketeer is a hybrid chat bot, it can answer all of your questions related to Marketeerco. It uses artificial intelligence an machine learning to optimize the customer experience.
So, a customer service platform that learns from our agents and respond to our clients while improving our customer engagement.

Marketeer adds up to 90x efficiency using Artificial Intelligence. It learns from human-to-human conversations and from customer behaviors.

Chatbot a chatbot representing Axa

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Chatbot AXA hat im September sein Chatbot-Pilotprojekt auf dem Facebook-Messenger-Kanal gestartet. Die Aufgabe: Als Expertenbot für Fragen zum Thema Zahnzusatzversicherung zur Verfügung stehen – als erste Anlaufstelle und rund um die Uhr erreichbar (24/7). Konkret leitet der Bot spielerisch den Beratungsdialog ein und führt den User letztlich zum Online-Tarifrechner der Versicherung. Dort geleitet der AXA-Chatbot durch die gewünschte Tarifberechnung und bereitet damit den Abschluss einer Police inkl. Kontaktdateneingabe via Landingpage vor – alles vollautomatisiert.

Daniel Burke a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Daniel Burke Who wants to live forever? I thought it would be fun to put a version of myself online. This is it. This is a chatbot of my design that uses my own AI engine and is based on me.

BO.T a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent BO.T El primer chatbot boliviano. Una mini enciclopedia que responde a preguntas relacionadas a la cultura general de Bolivia.

Conversa conmigo sobre Bolivia, su geografía, historia, personajes, cultura, arte, turismo, sociedad, economía, tradiciones y mucho más. Además te puedo responder algunas preguntas personales, ¿quieres saber más sobre mí? Dale, ¡envíame un mensaje con tu pregunta!

Erwin a chatbot

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Erwin May I introduce myself: Erwin is the name. I can send knotty riddles and clues to solve them.

Stina a chatbot representing Stena Line

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Stina Stina is a conversational bot who lives in Facebook Messenger, in the Travelmate app and online.

Its functionality consists of:

Check ferry prices and get live updates;
Ask questions about their journey;
Update their Stena accounts;
Join the Stena loyalty program;
Ask questions about the ferry facilities

We even got Stina talking to Stena Line’s business systems, so it can pull passenger data based on booking references and loyalty numbers.
chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Singapore Weather Bot Built by, this is a demo weather bot that tells you the current weather, weather forecast and pollutant standards index level in different locations in Singapore

The bot uses Live weather API by the National Environment Agency in Singapore

B-bot TV a chatbot representing Bouygues Telecom

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent B-bot TV Bonjour, je suis "B-bot TV", le chatbot qui vous aide à trouver vos programmes TV.

ENVOYEZ-MOI UN MESSAGE comme par exemple "Documentaire ce soir ?", "Clip demain midi" ou "France 2 jeudi 18h", ... et je réponds !
Je permet aussi de partager sur Facebook les fiches de vos programmes TV favoris ou d'être notifié par messenger lorsqu'ils commencent.

Un simple message pour découvrir instantanément les programmes TV !

Marina a chatbot representing 100 Regali per Lei

chatbot, chatterbot, conversational agent, virtual agent Marina Cerchi un regalo per tua MOGLIE, la tua FIDANZATA, tua MAMMA?

Ecco COME devi fare:
1) Dimmi per CHI cerchi.
2) Dimmi QUANTO vuoi spendere.
3) Guarda e COMPRA.

Qui trovi solo regali selezionati che NON LA DELUDERANNO e che puoi acquistare in meno di 10 minuti e farti spedire.
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